Example sentences of "do [adv] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 On a more phenomenological level , if we wanted some visual analogue to the associationist view of mental life we could not do much better than think of one of those ‘ psychedelic ’ slide-shows popular in the late 1960s , in which lights were projected through oil , producing coloured globs which met , merged and repelled in a series of kaleidoscopic patterns .
2 ‘ I do n't need it but I 'll do much better than that .
3 Mr G Douglas Vaisey also suggests that others should start setting the comps : ‘ I 'm sure we [ we ? ] can do much better than Katie Mallett . ’
4 By 1939 Europe could meet her own needs of agricultural products only in olive oil and wine ; in 1880 she could still do much better than this .
5 Even if a business was very efficient , he said , it was difficult to generate gross margins of more than 28% , whereas an efficient company in the fast-growing network market could do much better than that .
6 For them to develop properly they need guidance and a good example , and you ca n't do much better than have somebody like Fergie in your setup — somebody who has done and seen it all . ’
7 Despite all their expectations ( and ample campaign funds ) they did not do much better than the GCP in 1954 .
8 The simple mouse-and-icons approach means putting together new forms or reports ought to be a doddle ; and for functions like queries or browsing , you ca n't do much better than the GUI .
9 The person who creates a crisis in a relationship which is not going well such that the two part company and he or she is able to establish a more suitable and rewarding partnership may do much better than the person who avoids crises and settles for a far from ideal partner .
10 You swore each and every one of you to undertake this task , you must do so fearlessly and without fear or favour consider the evidence …
11 You swore each and every one of you , to undertake this task , you must do so fearlessly and without fear or favour consider the evidence and let the chips lie where they fall .
12 I 'll name no names at this stage , but will do so fearlessly if the exhibition continues much longer .
13 The Conservatives would not always win under the electoral system of 1918 , but they would rarely do so badly as to allow anyone else to win .
14 erm but I would say , on the whole , my guess is that there are many girls that perhaps could go into science and could make contributions to science but do n't do so simply because their families do n't understand it and the schools do n't support them .
15 Why then , given the emphasis on the value of education amongst first generation Caribbeans , do their children do so abysmally and , further , show little interest or desire to do well at school ?
16 ‘ It would have to be a very small stone , but I would do so gladly if it binds you to me . ’
17 If the hon. Gentleman wants to tax people more rigorously , he should do so openly and not in the disguised form in which that is proposed .
18 He said : ‘ If the Scottish Secretary wishes to make a statement then he should do so openly and publicly and not allow his young office staff to brief members of the press off the record .
19 Not only do we not usually think of Snell 's law when we try to net a fish or tickle a trout , but we could not use it to help us do so even if we did .
20 Thus in choosing between two alternative sets of pleasure one can not necessarily decide which is preferable by an arithmetical calculation , nor could one necessarily do so even if one was omniscient .
21 However , they will be able to waive best execution , and indeed can do so even if they are discretionary customers ( which is a helpful relaxation and reflects the new spirit of liberalisation ) ; the best practice would be to have this waiver in writing .
22 Britain remains the Dirty Man of Europe so far as SO&sub2 ; and NOx pollution is concerned , and will do so even when the EC Large Plant Directive is implemented by 2003 .
23 And at the end of the day then , you have to weigh up whether or not you decide that even though , if you like in the strictest financial terms , it is not profitable to open the cinema and to employ staff doing that although presumably they 'd have to be employed doing something else unless you changed their rota patterns nonetheless because of your the demands of funding bodies , your own cultural aims and equal opportunities policies , you 've decided that you will do so even though it 's going to be marginally a loss in financial terms .
24 I feel it should do so now and not keep us waiting .
25 You will do so quietly and clearly , and you will tell me the truth .
26 The patient may have to move about in a relatively confined area , so you have to make sure he can do so safely before he begins .
27 If Norman Lamont keeps the job of Chancellor ( and he might do so only because of the shortlist of alternative candidates is embarrassingly short ) he may decide to delay the next cut in interest rates for long enough to convince the markets that he is serious about wanting to move sterling into narrow bands in the European exchange rate mechanism at its middle rate of Dm2.95 .
28 She will do so only if Mr Major resigns .
29 The monetary committee 's report warns that any currency wishing to rejoin should do so only if there is mutual agreement on its parity .
30 In the light of the above , it is clear that two matrices having the same modal matrix do not necessarily permute ; they will do so only if their spectral matrices permute .
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