Example sentences of "much more [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In my view Labour 's stunning defeat requires of it much more than a commitment to PR and a pre-electoral arrangement with the Liberal Democrats .
2 The organizational separateness and distinctiveness of the state makes it much more than a mere mirror of , or passive receptacle for , the demands of society .
3 Today likewise Piraeus ' importance makes it much more than a mere annex of Athens and it has its own political traditions , regularly voting communist .
4 They thus gave specific attention to the instinctive bases of human behaviour , this being much more than an attempt to make an analogy between the human world and the struggles for survival identified by Darwin in the natural world .
5 Deep sleep appears to be a response to our life-style and reflects the amount of prior wakefulness much more than the time of day when sleep is taken .
6 He stood out among them not only because he had a surer command of his people at home , but also because Cuba is where it is , so the Russians helped him much more than the rest .
7 If someone is given too much change in a supermarket , for instance , they might keep the money claiming that they need it much more than the supermarket does and , anyway , nobody would find out .
8 The job was n't arduous , but she knew that gradually she was taking on much more than the advertisement had suggested and she sensed that the main anxiety of their life was whether she would stay .
9 ‘ But I walk a fine line of ambiguity because I 'm also reaching a straight audience who need the education much more than the gay audience .
10 Nevertheless , in terms of practical results , the deforestation of vast areas of Brazil affects the rest of the world much more than the oppression and murder of relatively small numbers of people .
11 But The Orb are much more than the sum of their parts .
12 The mood had changed by the end of the Sixties , and became more romantic , more allusive , softer and with many references to the past , which suited Lagerfeld 's handwriting much more than the brash futuristic Sixties looks had done .
13 With a proper programme of training , based on what we know from human athletes and extended by our own work , it should be possible to increase the performance of young horses much more than the empirical methods most trainers use . ’
14 Ami Pro 3.0 uses the mouse much more than the previous version .
15 We have increased expenditure on crime prevention and the police much more than the previous Labour Government , who cut it by 3 per cent .
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