Example sentences of "much the same [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 And in the faculty he was surrounded by several men of substance with much the same opinions though with less hardness in their advocacy .
2 15.39 Pupils working towards levels 8 to 10 should be involved in much the same programmes of work as those for level 7 , but will need increased opportunities , where feasible , for undertaking individual , responsible and formal roles .
3 ( In fact , the edition is based on much the same materials as will be used for the Rameau Opera omnia now in progress . )
4 For his improvising and melody line resources Joe draws from much the same scales we saw him use for his harmony .
5 The so-called applied sciences , such as engineering , agriculture and medicine , are concerned with much the same objects , but from a different stance : they are largely concerned with ‘ doing ’ , although again this does not necessarily preclude ‘ theorizing ’ or ‘ philosophizing ’ .
6 The majority of Latin American governments have to operate under much the same constraints and , although nationalist tendencies have intermittently rendered this factor advantageous to the USSR , it has more consistently worked against Moscow .
7 They carry both cargo and people ; the two travel under much the same conditions , and are generally indistinguishable by journey 's end .
8 It was engaging with much the same processes as those later explored by Goffman , Harré and those working from a symbolic interactionist position .
9 Luckily we have much the same tastes in television .
10 These are eminently sensible things , which Reagan would not have done at gunpoint , and much the same themes run through the more contentious measures .
11 As I have suggested , up to a generation ago a common form of life united sixth-form and university English , regardless of whether their orientation was ‘ Oxford ’ or ‘ Cambridge ’ , since the latter made much the same assumptions about literacy and competence as the former .
12 Dixon 's mention of clothes had pulled his mind back to the discovery of Kemp 's body , and he asked Lewis much the same question he had asked Max , receiving much the same answers .
13 People who had had experience of the National Assembly , where much the same procedures were followed , or who had picked up the style from televised broadcasts of it , were at a decided advantage .
14 The European national club monopolists — like Siemens , Ericsson and ITT-Alcatel — stayed in much the same positions .
15 The same Electoral Register is used for both types of election and much the same criteria for inclusion and exclusion are applied .
16 Gliding frogs use much the same devices but can also , like the snakes , make the underside of their bodies concave .
17 Since comparative studies from Africa seem to reinforce the evidence from all over that children pass through much the same stages , we can confidently predict that they mean as little to the children of Kenya or Zambia .
18 The leader in the second paper , headed ‘ An Affront to Human Dignity , ’ was on much the same lines , ending with a demand for a Royal Commission to look into the ‘ hidden and possibly evil secrets of the laboratories of Britain 's universities ’ and an appeal to ‘ right-thinking people ’ to raise their voices against this outrageous treatment of a helpless baby .
19 Yes , machines can process walnuts , along much the same lines as almonds , but they do so very poorly if what you arc after is whole halves .
20 Until about two hundred years ago , they had developed along pretty much the same lines .
21 Ælfric wrote on much the same lines .
22 The new provinces occupied pretty much the same areas as they do today .
23 It consists of pretty much the same dishes found in simpler households , but will be made with more expensive ingredients , made smaller and more delicate , with almost no chilli , and served in particularly exquisite porcelain , silver and gold .
24 But the sexual division of labour — whether it is the male , the female , or both parents who look after the young — is controlled by much the same forces as control other sexual differences and is therefore appropriately treated in this chapter .
25 In 1961 it was already overwhelmingly the nation 's ‘ main activity ’ in the evening , and the BBC study establishing that fact produced much the same figures when repeated in 1975 ( BBC , 1976 ) .
26 He also liked the occasional drink , for much the same reasons .
27 It is natural to consider the dynastic marriage policies of this period in the same context as warfare , since both were engaged in by the kings and great nobles for very much the same reasons ( see pp. 456–7 ) .
28 And ethnicity turns into separatist nationalism for much the same reasons as colonial liberation movements establish their states within the frontiers of the preceding colonial empires .
29 Of course these superior critics disliked the way his films displayed ‘ the grossest sentimentality ’ , but this was the price that had to be paid for his mass popularity and after all , as William Hunter reminded his readers , Dickens had been far more sentimental for very much the same reasons .
30 We may have moved on from the steel nib and the blackboard , but are we not educating our children for much the same reasons as we were 50 years ago ?
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