Example sentences of "much well [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But they realise that a partnership government would be better than a Labour government , and much better than a minority government of either party . ’
2 Much better than a long piece of string !
3 Much better than a line-out with them throwing-in on half-way .
4 One suspects that in the end , they see no real use in either ‘ dick-tionaries ’ or dictionaries : a feminist orthodoxy is not much better than a sexist one .
5 In Britain , however , because of ministerial responsibility and because of the suspicion that the appropriate ministry could do the job much better than a new , inexperienced board ( which usually has a lower calibre of staff ) , the ministries concerned have their own sections on tourism , forestry and the countryside which go over everything the board in question proposes , giving authorizations , suggestions or exercising a veto .
6 Oh , that is kind — much better than a visit from me .
7 Much better than the quoted loss projected of £12,728 .
8 Another influence was The Girls ' Own Paper , which he liked much better than the Boys ' Own version .
9 There is a state-of-the-art cardiac resuscitation unit , much better than the one on the general medical wards .
10 The larger or very intensive farmers had generally used training to prepare themselves and their men much better than the smaller units .
11 I did , in fact , feel better , certainly better than when the X-rays had been taken , and much better than the period immediately before that .
12 I felt comfortable and relaxed , much better than the previous day when I had n't slept at all , worried about whether my injury would stand up , whether I had come all this way for nothing .
13 The professional were not much better than the amateurs at distinguishing the irons but were better than the amateurs at spotting the shaft differences between the woods .
14 Caught here by Peter Chick on September 11 , despite its age it is faring much better than the much younger , but cocooned , Citation executive jet behind !
15 The second round of ‘ Unity ’ talks between the two opposing Unix factions are faring much better than the ill-fated first bout , though actual unity is unlikely to result at least in the short term .
16 Much better than the copy that I had made , which as I said was this miniature sideways thatched farmhouse there in the right margin .
17 Despite all their expectations ( and ample campaign funds ) they did not do much better than the GCP in 1954 .
18 The South Atlantic region ( Delaware , Maryland , Virginia , West Virginia , North and South Carolina , Georgia and Florida , plus the District of Columbia ) performed much better than the national average , especially in the first two decades when growth rates were half as large again as those for the United States as a whole .
19 It has a pair of small loudspeakers fitted inside , which you can connect to your PC 's sound card — much better than the Walkman speakers I normally hook up .
20 The simple mouse-and-icons approach means putting together new forms or reports ought to be a doddle ; and for functions like queries or browsing , you ca n't do much better than the GUI .
21 Although a number of schools offer good healthy food , some school meals are often fatty , sugary and low in fibre — sometimes not much better than the food children eat at home .
22 Much better than the other night when my leg was so bad .
23 And it should be remembered that the Whigs did much better than the Tories in the open and more popular constituencies in the elections of early 1715 , largely because the Jacobite scare and the fear of popery worked to their advantage .
24 The person who creates a crisis in a relationship which is not going well such that the two part company and he or she is able to establish a more suitable and rewarding partnership may do much better than the person who avoids crises and settles for a far from ideal partner .
25 But to the rescue came P&O , on their fine ship we had to go ; This was a blessing in disguise , much better than the old cat 's eyes ; P&O you are the best — 100pc in the test .
26 A figure much better than the 100,000-plus constantly bandied about by some financial commentators .
27 For the sequence T(AT) 8 CG(AT) 15 ( Figure 1b and 2b ) the ApT steps are cut much better than the single central GA site .
28 I think the original ending is much better and fits into the jigsaw of the novel much better than the second ending .
29 Much better that the simpler jobs be handled by word processors with intelligent formatting systems while leaving the complex work to those trained to handle it .
30 Mossadeq declare that Iran did not need a settlement anyway ; much better that the country proceed as if it had no oil — at least that way it would not be exploited .
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