Example sentences of "much well [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Dr Smithson told me it was perfect , much better than Herr Speich 's or even poor Mr MacKenzie 's . ’
2 Perhaps he was n't much better than Dalziel .
3 Both she and Lubor had a glass of beer to go with it , and , having not been hungry , the meal went down much better than Fabia had anticipated .
4 Language , in any case , is often the subtlest indicator that there is : much better than clothes , since one can daily or hourly change one 's clothes .
5 Much better than Maxim 's .
6 Mr G Douglas Vaisey also suggests that others should start setting the comps : ‘ I 'm sure we [ we ? ] can do much better than Katie Mallett . ’
7 The substantial remains of Milton Lockhart , an elegant William Burn house of the 1840s in Lanarkshire were bought by another Japanese consortium and transported to Japan 's Hokkaido Island be rebuilt as ‘ Santa 's Castle ’ in ‘ Santaland , an absolutely unique[sic] theme park , much better than Disneyland ’ .
8 Much better than conversation .
9 There 's plenty of room for cars in the yard — much better than parking in the village street .
10 He became the fourth of the afternoon to be caught behind off one which left him , this time off Watson , who did the stock-bowler 's job much better than Pringle and in Christchurch .
11 Some — especially those in the south or those with a wide range of incentives such as regional and European Community assistance — have done much better than others .
12 Although average sales per outlet have shown a slight decrease in each of the last five years , some of our licensees have done much better than others .
13 When they were asked to turn out and fight on behalf of king or queen and country , some regiments performed much better than others .
14 Machines can keep the disparate parts of such a system co-ordinated much better than men can .
15 He had read many of the books in the library , and knew exactly where every one was , much better than Mr Crangle .
16 Most ceramics are not much better than glass in this respect but the ductile metals , such as wrought iron , mild steel , copper and aluminium , have works of fracture which are enormously higher than their free surface energies and range between 10 4 and 10 6 J/m 2 .
17 Now I know they 're absolutely outstanding vehicles , much better than Chrysler has ever done before .
18 ‘ Sometimes I can relate to animals much better than people ’ she says .
19 As it happens , he paces himself much better than Corbett and other stand-up comics , and in his own sober way milks the material ruthlessly .
20 But lame Lucca skipped and dived into dark recesses at Signor Fixit 's commands barked out in Italian that was not much better than Molly 's .
21 In any event , in colonial Vietnam reformists did not fare much better than revolutionaries .
22 Sometimes she thought that things went much better when Liza happened to be out of the room and she was alone with John .
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