Example sentences of "given to the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Money collected as a result can be paid in at branches of the Halifax Building Society and will be given to the Barnardos charity .
2 That is much narrower than the jurisdiction given to the Nuremberg tribunal after the Second World War , which was allowed also to consider crimes against peace and crimes against humanity such as planning and waging of aggressive war and genocide .
3 ITV had assumed ever since the third channel was given to the BBC after Pilkington ( as BBC2 ) , that the fourth channel would come to ITV , on the principle of ‘ fair-dos ’ and to preserve the balance of the duopoly .
4 No matter – Christian Aid will not suffer , and it will be given to the Rev. John Page on the day of his Induction at Dunlop , as a little memento for John and Janie , of Christian Aid at St. A. 's & St. G 's .
5 He dismissed the sums of money paid to Inkatha as " insignificant " compared with the " vast sums of money " given to the ANC by foreign organizations and governments .
6 The private collection will be given to the Ashmolean when the exhibition closes in August .
7 The private collection will be given to the Ashmolean when the exhibition closes in August .
8 Sadly , far less publicity has been given to the Brandt Commission 's second report , Common Crisis , North South , Co-operation for World Recovery .
9 Emphasis will be given to the JCT forms as these are undoubtedly the most widely used .
10 In Tampa , Florida , in 1989 , the Europeans quite rightly complained about the conditions in which their horses were stabled — overheated , with poor ventilation and an insufficient exercising area — compared with the facilities given to the North American horses .
11 In 1203–4 , 1205 and 1242 these concessions were rewarded by the financial and military support given to the Plantagenets by Bordeaux and other towns against both Castilian and French attacks on the duchy .
12 A TOTAL of 2,755 people in the Republic committed suicide in the 10-year period from 1982 to the end of 1991 , according to figures given to the Dail .
13 The legal cloak given to the US action by the formal request for US assistance by the new government of President Guillerm Endara is not convincing , since the government was sworn in on a US military base with a US general standing by .
14 Diet : The food given to this fish is the same as given to the Emperor Peckoltia
15 Much of their property , including that at Temple Moor , was given to the Knights Hospitallers , who continued to provide shelter for travellers across that barren land .
16 China also ‘ could not tolerate ’ the award given to the Dalai Lama in Paris , and ‘ condemned ’ France for permitting the exiled democracy campaigner , Yan Jiaqi , to ‘ conduct activities against the Chinese Government ’ .
17 China also ‘ could not tolerate ’ the award given to the Dalai Lama in Paris , and ‘ condemned ’ France for permitting the exiled democracy campaigner , Yan Jiaqi , to ‘ conduct activities against the Chinese Government ’ .
18 The current exhibition is ‘ Hogarth and Piranesi : engravings and etchings ’ ( until 7 June ) which includes more than thirty engravings by Hogarth given to the Courtauld by Sir Robert Witt in 1933 and fourteen Piranesi etchings from the First Edition of the ‘ Carceri ’ series bequeathed to the Courtauld by Count Antoine Seilern in 1978 .
19 Hakim , who had pleaded guilty in November 1989 to a misdemeanour charge ( helping to supplement the salary of North by arranging to pay for a security system at North 's home ) in return for the dropping of five felony counts [ see p. 37037 ] , was praised by the judge for the assistance which he had given to the Iran-contra investigation .
20 Before fifteen days are over , if it please God , those tambours shall be laid before you , and shall be sounded for your pleasure , and then they shall be given to the Bishop Don Hieronymo , that he may hang them up in the Church of St. Mary , Mother of God .
21 These are : that they remain as at present , organized and administered on an ad hoc basis ; that responsibility for them be given to the CNAA ; that they become the responsibility of TEC ; that they become the responsibility of a joint CNAA/TEC body to be set up ; and that a new and independent validating body be established specifically for foundation courses .
22 This is evident from detailed instructions given to the SCC members which show how the educational aspects of the scheme were regarded as crucial .
23 Ross insisted that the money raised should be given to the Slade School of Fine Art , for a Robert Ross memorial prize .
24 No form of British assistance , military or otherwise , has been , or will be , given to the Khmer Rouge . ’
25 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what support his Department has given to the Devon and Cornwall development company .
26 AN inside account of the Gulf War was given to the Alresford and District branch of the Royal Air Forces Association at a recent meeting at the Kingsworthy Sports and Social Club .
27 Five seats were also given to the Ittehad-i-Islami , a Saudi-backed fundamentalist Wahhabi Sunni group led by Abdur Rab Rasool Sayyaf , whose fighters had been involved in fierce street battles with Wahdat in Kabul on June 2-6 .
28 The Cutty Sark was eventually given to the Cutty Sark Society in 1953 and she was restored to look just as she did during her sailing days .
29 ‘ I am sad we have not been afforded the same welcome given to the Beirut hostages , ’ he told a deeply moved audience at the AGM last month .
30 As expected the reception given to the Pakistan team on its return was unprecedented .
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