Example sentences of "given the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Endill was given the same suitcase his father and grandfather had taken with them to school .
2 However , it can be understood as recommending that one live in such ; way that the various aspects of one 's being are given the same degree of power as they have of innate authority .
3 John Popham , a parliamentary agent representing 13 local residents who have petitioned against the bill , believes that ‘ residents of Newport should be given the same degree of protection as the government has decided is necessary for property owners in Cardiff ’ .
4 Only afterwards is it plain that , for the most part , they 've given the same answers they 've supplied to the press for years .
5 It would almost certainly have been given the same support by the full House had it not been attached to a Bill to reform obscenity law , with which it had no clear or logical connection .
6 The broadcasting of discussions and debates between politicians of widely different positions takes place regularly and , when interviewed , critics of the Federal Government appear to be given the same kind of deferential treatment as Federal spokesmen .
7 However , if the strings of letters formed words then they were able to accurately report a number of short words containing more than three or four letters given the same exposure .
8 A law which regulates the ability of a local authority to display venereal disease posters in public places is given the same weighting as a law which expands the welfare state substantially through the provision of free school education or establishes a free health service .
9 And would local authorities , given the same resources , have achieved the same results ?
10 Individuals can apply for meals themselves — all applications are given the same consideration .
11 That is , in an effort to ensure that any variations in replies respondents provide are not artifacts of variations in the way in which the questions were asked , each respondent should be given the same questions in the same serial order .
12 It is time MPs were given the same protection so they can vote without fear of reprisals .
13 She said there were speed restrictions on the A167 at Aycliffe , Croxdale and Chilton , and Ferryhill people ought to be given the same protection .
14 One by one , calves and adults are given the same treatment .
15 If payments were partly based on per capita emissions of greenhouse gases , would methane from paddy fields be given the same price as carbon dioxide from power stations , cars and burning tropical forests ?
16 They should have been , as they were given the same rations as a British farm labourer .
17 He invited people to sign a declaration : ‘ I , the undersigned , promise to learn ( it ) if it appears that 10 million people have given the same promise . ’
18 Investors must therefore choose and , given the same menu , not all will choose the same combination of return and risk .
19 American actors in England should be given the same rights we 're given here .
20 On 3 May he gave an address on Milton at the Frick Museum in New York , in which he recanted his previously low opinion of the poet , and on this occasion he seemed to one observer " incredibly refined , visibly aged " — he had given the same address two months before to the British Academy , and thus had saved himself additional effort .
21 Mice receiving lower mediastinal irradiation ( L ) were given the same dose of radiation to the same sized but adjacent field ( T5-T10 ) .
22 Millions of people have been given the same chance to own a real share in the nation 's assets .
23 In a report launched in May , Organising for Safety , it was recommended that organisational factors be given the same emphasis as equipment failure and individual human error when considering safety .
24 We shall see that in the nineteenth century this limited and special capacity was extended with some modifications to all married women ( see pp. 50–4 ) ; but that in 1935 it was swept away , and married women were given the same capacity to own property and make contracts as a man .
25 The Married Women 's Property Acts of the 1870s and 1880s permitted women to control their own property , although married women were not given the same capacity as single women to acquire , hold and dispose of property until 1935 .
26 Embracing her friend , Tilly asked herself whether , given the same circumstances , she herself would have acted any differently ?
27 So why was n't Davies , who worked miracles with such meagre resources at Nottingham ( as has become more and more apparent this season ) and had a near unblemished record as England ‘ B ’ coach , given the same opportunity at the top level that Best has now been given ?
28 When test results did not confirm this , they could still console themselves with the fact that every child had been given the same opportunity to learn .
29 Lesley wants sexual equality , but does n't believe attitudes have yet changed enough : ‘ We do n't yet have true equality ; until we do , women will have to overstress themselves and overprove themselves just to be given the same level of respect as their male peers .
30 This means you are not given the same level of initial impetus .
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