Example sentences of "given [noun sg] to a " in BNC.

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1 And indeed , Tarpy and McIntosh ( 1977 ) , using a procedure likely to be more sensitive ( involving , among other things , a weaker US and prolonged testing ) , were able to demonstrate substantial latent inhibition in rats given exposure to a variety of flavours before conditioning .
2 Kalat and Rozin ( 1973 ) suggested that subjects given exposure to a novel flavour are capable of learning that the flavour predicts no aversive consequence , that the taste is ‘ safe ’ .
3 Indeed , this sort of campaigning has given rise to a certain newspaper image — that Mr Kinnock is being protected from real people , shepherded into a succession of carefully-staged photo-opportunities designed to look good on television but a million miles away from the real cut and thrust of the hustings .
4 A desire for more effective drugs with fewer side effects , combined with an increasing knowledge of the molecular basis of treatment , has given rise to a clutch of new companies developing ‘ handed ’ molecules .
5 The ‘ spiritual sense ’ view of faith has given rise to a form of spiritual elitism in which the believer welcomes a position in which he or she has no common ground with the unbeliever , and thereby turns the sort of dismissive ‘ religious language is nonsense ’ approach of Ayer into a welcome acceptance of the divide between men and women of reason on the one hand , and those with faith on the other .
6 It is the unfinished nature of those parts dealing with the schemas of reproduction that has given rise to a number of controversies regarding the interpretation of them .
7 In this paper I will attempt to outline some of the factors which have given rise to a social division between ‘ incomers ’ and the native population in Dunrossness during the first phase ( 1971–79 ) of the so-called ‘ oil era ’ in Shetland .
8 The question of who Bartle was has given rise to a number of theories and , as with most traditions , fact and fiction , legend and folklore have become inextricably intertwined .
9 The nature of the succession and structure of the rocks there had given rise to a controversy , dating from about 1860 , between Murchison and Professor Nicol of Aberdeen .
10 Then , reluctantly , she made her way home , a home in which , in some extraordinary way , the advent of one small baby appeared to have given rise to a revolution .
11 The rise in homelessness has given rise to a vast increase in the amount of bed and breakfast accommodation used , particularly in the London area .
12 This has given rise to a series of , occasionally bizarre , arguments to account for the pattern .
13 ‘ It just grew and grew , ’ Alan grinned as he talked about the development of the book , ‘ I soon realised that a circular including anecdotes to keep former members in touch was not possible , we had given rise to a book ! ’
14 This question has given rise to a whole spectrum of views , whose exponents are united by two traits : their desire to explain why an industrial revolution occurred in Britain and not in other comparable nations , and their adherence to the Millean method of difference .
15 The claims of absolute holism explored in the two preceding chapters are clearly both interesting and provocative , and have given rise to a series of fertile debates within the social sciences .
16 The bi-centenary of the death of John Howard in 1990 has given rise to a number of commemorative events in varying parts of the world , of which this book is one .
17 He built up popular support for a war which , in its opening phase , had given rise to a political crisis similar to those that had broken over his father and grandfather .
18 On the other hand , there are cases in which the existence of an alternative remedy seems not to have given rise to a discretion to refuse a remedy but to have operated as an absolute bar to the award of a judicial remedy .
19 Robbins also related to the upskilling debate — the expansion of education and the high birth rate of the immediate post-war period , for example , had given rise to a shortage of qualified teachers especially in primary schools , and changes in the numbers of white-collar jobs available to women had also given rise to a demand for better qualified and certificated female labour .
20 Robbins also related to the upskilling debate — the expansion of education and the high birth rate of the immediate post-war period , for example , had given rise to a shortage of qualified teachers especially in primary schools , and changes in the numbers of white-collar jobs available to women had also given rise to a demand for better qualified and certificated female labour .
21 Kolchinsky 's pedantic approach towards the expense accounts had given rise to a joke amongst the field operatives that it would be better to lose a life than a chit .
22 English as a language has given rise to a very large number of accents ; we recognise national accents for those countries where English is the predominant language — Australian , American , New Zealand , British , Irish accents for example .
23 However this debate , and the ensuing documents , have given rise to a legal-formal or contractual accountability model rather than a partnership model for education , according to Lawton .
24 However , in the absence of such a disclaimer the circumstances would have given rise to a duty of care .
25 The system has found itself in dire need of a new way of legitimating itself , and this need has given rise to a variety of responses .
26 This problem , associated with attempts to ascribe probabilities to scientific laws and theories in the light of given evidence , has given rise to a detailed technical research programme that has been tenaciously pursued and developed by inductivists over the last few decades .
27 The clash between Kuhn 's views , on the one hand , and those of Lakatos , and also Popper , on the other , has given rise to a debate concerning two contrasting positions associated with the terms ‘ rationalism ’ and ’ relativism ’ respectively .
28 Scott contends that the growth of investment institutions has given rise to a distinct mode of control , namely ‘ control through a constellation of interests ’ .
29 The civil disturbances had given rise to a number of population movements within the urban area , with the result that many randomly selected households were burnt down , boarded up , or derelict .
30 These financial and moral concerns have given rise to a change in policy , which has led to the Child Support Act due to be implemented fully by April 1993 .
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