Example sentences of "women 's [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 This denigrated order is highly creative and productive , and women 's closeness to each other persists within it .
2 A second phase of the successful campaign is planned by Edinburgh District Council 's Women 's Committee to be launched in September of this year .
3 Women 's attraction to successful men is well known and already well explored .
4 It looks at women 's contribution to family income , and examines pensioner 's incomes , low income families , the costs of children , at how families divide their income , and at patterns of family spending .
5 Topics covered during the seminar include ‘ An Analysis of Books on Women 's Issues ’ ; ‘ Women 's Contribution to Christian Literature ’ ; ‘ Women in the Media — a Global Perspective ’ and ‘ Women 's Contribution to Children 's Literature ’ .
6 Topics covered during the seminar include ‘ An Analysis of Books on Women 's Issues ’ ; ‘ Women 's Contribution to Christian Literature ’ ; ‘ Women in the Media — a Global Perspective ’ and ‘ Women 's Contribution to Children 's Literature ’ .
7 A book on the First World War made no mention of women 's contribution to the war effort at home or abroad .
8 Schüssler Fiorenza has shown in an impressive way in In Memory of Her that women 's contribution to the life of the church was not so marginal as has often been assumed .
9 Bertha Johnson 's conservatism , shown equally by her Unionist politics , her lifelong attachment to the flowing Liberty gowns fashionable in her youth , and her reluctance to see chaperonage rules relaxed , led her to resist the assimilation of women 's education to patterns developed for men .
10 The women 's response to this dispute differed .
11 The complicated nature of women 's response to doctors ' views about their role also characterised the way in which women dealt with the whole area of sexual difference and its implications for their position in terms of both the separation of spheres and of female dependency within the private sphere of home and family .
12 Women 's response to poverty and unemployment remains an enigma , and whilst the inequality which leads to civil war between men on the streets is called a riot , the battles at home between unequals , in which the less powerful are also the losers , is dismissed as ‘ domestic violence ’ .
13 Women sailors who might not have their sights set on such lofty goals — or , for that matter , those who have — will be interested in a seminar about women 's sailing to be held in February .
14 Like Orwell , women 's relationship to miners starts from the basis of exclusion and mystery , but women live with the drama and danger of the pits , they live their solidarity with the pitmen .
15 Or rather , the men and women 's relationship to each other — unlike the work of hewing coal which is not typical of work in capitalist economies — that relationship , even in its extremities , was typical of something that shaped class struggle in Britain .
16 The research aims to uncover and examine Irish women 's migration to Britain in the post-War period .
17 As Graham ( 1985 ) puts it a ‘ sense of responsibility ’ permeates women 's approach to the whole issue of family relationships .
18 It will encompass issues of the force men use against women , gender relations in the formal political arena , and the variety of women 's resistance to their subordination .
19 By which time the sexual revolution was also wearing a bit thin and became more to do with increasing women 's availability to men than the sexual autonomy and control over our own bodies we had all been promised .
20 • The Women 's Guide to Starting Your Own Business by Deborah Fowler ( Thorsons , £6.99 ) is really helpful and includes ideas on different ways of earning money from home by jewellery-making , picture-framing , etc .
21 About 50 old Somervillians met in the library of the University Women 's Club to be welcomed by the A.S.M. President and brought up to date on Somerville news by the Principal .
22 In the ensuing wide-ranging discussion a lot of attention was given to child-care problems but these were rapidly relegated to being a symptom of something far more fundamental affecting women 's progression to the board : attitude .
23 It is however an important part of the women 's movement , which might lack the explicit analysis of male oppression and resistance , but is none the less an affirmation of women 's allegiance to each other .
24 In a useful review of existing work on women 's relation to electoral and work-based politics , Siltanen and Stanworth ( 1984 ) argue for a complete rethink in political analysis .
25 The female half of the population had to wait even longer for an equal political voice : not until substantial numbers of women had moved out from the shelter of the home to take an independent place in the labour market was women 's claim to a voice in the political market allowed .
26 In most of the ‘ new ’ universities , fine art courses will shortly become part of a modular system which , in name at least , will enable students to draw on a much wider range of studies from women 's writing to gender and psychology .
27 Although the enterprise flourished , Elizabeth Malleson remained convinced that adult education ought not to be organized on a single-sex basis and , after failing to persuade the Men 's College to merge , converted the Women 's College to coeducation in 1874 .
28 This arguably reflects women 's socialisation to be attentive to and concerned about what others think and feel .
29 Pauline is also in the middle of writing for a new BBC programme about women 's health to be screened around next April .
30 The delegate meeting of the STA at Dumfries in 1895 had called upon those branches affected by women 's employment to " exercise their influence in every way to secure the standard wages and fair conditions of employment for female compositors " .
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