Example sentences of "women who [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Most of the women who attended the conference were Labour Party members .
2 Nevertheless , in the majority of cases it was the women who managed the money by taking responsibility for day-to-day budgeting arrangements , paying the bills and organising the family finances .
3 During the last few years , we have begun to learn something of these mothers ' true feelings from the women who suffered the regime at first hand : what stands out in such accounts is the emotion which is still generated in the mother by her own memories .
4 Even during her time at Harmondsworth there were other women who had the same experiences .
5 If the Victorian era was over , the example set by Queen Victoria during her long reign was still fresh in the mind , and all women who had the right amount of sense and spirit knew that attack was the best form of defence when dealing with men who liked to lay down the law .
6 The front row on the left was taken by the two light-skinned women who ran the Primary School .
7 There 's never been more public discussion of sexual abuse and the misery it causes , but there are still women who keep the bitter memories to themselves because they 're ashamed to speak out about the torment they 've been through .
8 Inside the two women who keep the inn serve through the hatch that opens on to the one room .
9 Does it make them any weaker because they 've been adopted by young women who dislike the feminist label or by the ‘ I 'm not a feminist but ’ brigade ?
10 One of the middle-aged women who kept the shop had ordered a set of posters about the Paris rising of May 1968 , because she had gone to the Sorbonne to study when she was a girl .
11 They fall into three groups : ( 1 ) eight working-class women who say initially that they ‘ like ’ or ‘ do n't mind ’ housework , but turn out to be dissatisfied with it ; ( 2 ) two middle-class women who follow the same pattern ; and ( 3 ) two middle-class women who say they dislike housework but are satisfied with it .
12 Most of the men and women who formed the UUAC had strong religious and ethical convictions .
13 People divorced , left each other — grown men and women who reached the decision to part .
14 Some of the women who use the Centre have consequently stopped coming and some mothers have removed their children from the night care facility for fear of a raid .
15 A study of women 's occupations in London for the period 1695 to 1725 has found only 26 from a sample of 256 women who shared the occupation of their spouse and these were usually involved in retailing .
16 He is also trying to establish if there is some common genetic factor between women who develop the illness after having a baby .
17 There is still an unspoken assumption that it will be the women who make the sacrifices when it comes to childcare and it is perhaps the thickest glass ceiling of all for many women .
18 It 's already known that women who take the contraceptive pill are much less likely to develop it .
19 There is wide agreement that , in such households , it is women who take the main share of responsibility .
20 Women who take the contraceptive pill and who also smoke cigarettes are more likely to have a coronary attack , stroke or blood clot in the leg veins , which may shift to the lung ( pulmonary embolism ) than non-smokers who are on the pill .
21 But if we create a psychology in this country where to the men and women who earn the crust upon which we depend , our business community , are switched off to the significance of Europe , there 's only one people who 'll suffer and it is us .
22 Two elderly women who left the cult headquarters on Tuesday — Margaret Lawson , 75 , and Catherine Mattson , 77 — were yesterday charged with conspiracy to murder .
23 The Christian ideal was more the saint than the sage : men and women who made the world to come seem present now rather than those who knew how to live and survive in a stormy and dangerous society .
24 she said yeah , she , erm , the reason that women who does the earrings could n't make them for me , was that she buys all the parts , well the flower earrings she makes , she buys all these parts and she ex assembles them which ever parts you want
25 Drawing of same man ( NI reader ) as a contraceptive salesman knocking on door of household full of people — looking out of windows , pressing past the women who opens the door , etc .
26 Remember it 's likely your problem will be common to many other women who attend the same surgery .
27 Remember it 's likely your problem will be common to many other women who attend the same surgery .
28 ‘ And the women who dig the roads have to go home and be screwed by their husbands afterwards as part of the job .
29 Ninety per cent of women who visit the clinic with hair loss problems are deficient in iron through dieting or simply because they are run down or have been ill .
30 ‘ 90% of women who visit the clinic with hair problems are iron deficient because they 're underweight .
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