Example sentences of "women [verb] the same " in BNC.

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1 And the first thing you learn is that all women make the same mistakes .
2 Awareness of the social reality of the USSR , recognition that Soviet men and women experienced the same angst as those peoples living in pre-revolutionary societies disturbed Nizan but did not shake his faith in the ultimate justice and morality of the Soviet cause .
3 Men in Trudgill 's study under-reported their use of the standard whereas women over-reported the same thing ( see the discussion of status above ) .
4 Employment law provides employees with a range of rights including the right not to be unfairly dismissed , the right not to be subject to discrimination on the grounds of race or sex , and the right for women to receive the same pay as men if employed to do the same work or if the work is considered to be of equal value .
5 They tend to concentrate on policies that would help women follow the same age-related career path as men .
6 The women wear the same blue uniforms as the men .
7 In their prospective study of 400 working-class women with children in North London , Brown and his colleagues ( 1987 ) found a threefold increased risk of depression to follow severe events which arose from a long-standing social difficulty compared to women experiencing the same kind of event but without such a prior history .
8 She counselled other women to do the same : ‘ You can make your womanhood a sort of external conscience to them .
9 And a lot of women feel the same .
10 Most women feel the same . ’
11 Evidence for 1989 found that just 7% of married women earned the same as or more than their husbands ( Women and Employment : a lifetime perspective OPCS/HMSO 1984 ) .
12 In our study , gender was taken account of in the selection of workshops : we studied workshops with men only , with women only , workshops where men and women did the same work and were paid at the same rate , and those where the sexes did different jobs and men were paid more than women .
13 most women do the same .
14 Sexology and psychology had proved that men and women had the same instinctive need for pleasure and fulfilment .
15 By the year 2000 , it is expected that women will represent almost 50% of the workforce , so , assuming women have the same potential management skills as men , and bearing in mind that women gained 45% of first degrees in 1989 , companies that fail to recruit or promote them are cutting their reservoir of managerial talent by half .
16 Men and women have the same number of hairs on their face — 15,000 !
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