Example sentences of "though [pron] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Earlier Davies , 55 , claimed he was fired because executives feared evidence might be produced that he was an arms dealer even though no-one believed such a thing .
2 It was these incredible , unique sights in the cave which made me enjoy my trip so much , though everyone gets different things from the sport .
3 I have n't been into her bedroom though I saw some chair legs and a pair of shoes as I passed the half-open door .
4 That afternoon I meant to search the Bible for information , though I knew little of it .
5 He had hoped to impress her , and , though I knew this was the wrong way to go about it , since she was always embarrassed by emotional arguments , when she replied in a stiff , rather guarded way , I was deeply hurt on his behalf .
6 Though I had small scale maps at three inches to a mile for some areas they are not produced for all the Sahara , nor could I have afforded the hundred pounds they would have cost if they had been .
7 At night , Daddy read to me , and though I had many books , there were only four I wished to hear .
8 ‘ When I was in Dinosaur I never though I had any real talent .
9 It could not be accomplished on the run though I made some schematic doodles based on observation : the way , for example , drainage run-off channels bulldozed off the sides of the track echoed the pattern of the tree branches or veins on a leaf .
10 My hair always seems to look lank and lifeless , even though I make sure that I wash and condition it regularly .
11 I just find such people strange though I admit some , like Marlowe , have been great friends .
12 Of course I stayed overnight at the hotel and spent a good part of the following day placating the ruffled Emily , even though I felt sure she was not as disturbed as she made out .
13 When the case was almost full , my hands were trembling , though I felt decisive and cool .
14 These are intense , dramatic readings which lack nothing in conviction , though I imagine some listeners will prefer a less overtly ‘ expressive ’ approach to the music .
15 Making me look as though I follow strange men about the countryside ? ’
16 I sent him underground , though I doubt that 's where Zam went .
17 Alternatively , the joyous sound of bells may be ringing out the tune of 'Those beautiful red roses that once you gave me ’ , all over sunlit uplands — though I doubt that .
18 Her lips were red , half-open as if waiting to be kissed , displaying teeth as white as ivory , though I noticed one tooth slightly out of line with the others .
19 I myself discovered that I did not have this mystical ability , even though I spent seven years in a Roman Catholic convent , engaged in daily meditation and intensive spiritual exercise .
20 ‘ Immediately , though I took little notice of it when I was in Cheshire , I admit .
21 I find blue a depressing colour even though I like blue .
22 Even though I use many examples and experiences from my years with that company , the views expressed are mine and if my recollections or impressions vary from others ' that is to my account , and not ICI 's .
23 He took my best animal , even though I offered two in its place .
24 Of course , he wrote ( and Goldberg typed ) , there may be nothing to leave , nothing to explain , nothing to understand , even though I have prepared long enough and only started when the time was ripe , even though I began full of confidence and managed to persuade myself , for a while , that I was well under way .
25 Though I hope young Pamela would not be in danger from her master who owes all his servants protection as much as the king does to his subjects .
26 I speak from embarrassed experience , having embarked under the nom-de-plume of Evelyn Hervey on just such a foolish enterprise , though I hope frenzied ingenuity will eventually wriggle me out of too much trouble .
27 Words about words tend to float off into a mysterious space of their own — though I hope most of those we have used have been firmly pinned down .
28 Dear Boy , It must be very difficult for you sometimes I expect not having anyone and having to do all the shopping and cooking for yourself I know that when I was working I certainly could not have managed on my own , coming home tired and then making dinner your own dinner and then going upstairs to do some more work , what sort of life is that , though I know all about that because of course I did do that for three years almost , and I know how much happier I was when I knew there was someone waiting for me and having the dinner ready and keeping the house clean and all those things , or perhaps you people do n't think those things are important .
29 The captain is now advised to store it in a bank , after it has been duly admired by friends and family , though I know one captain kept it under his bed , causing his mother a lot of sleepless nights !
30 I always take a lot of care plumbing the depth , and even though I know this peg well , I will plumb it again .
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