Example sentences of "though [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The most complex job was to establish what parents ( and staff ) though about the way partnership worked before any ‘ action ’ began .
2 Beresford has no doubts though about the welcome he will receive from the 6,000 travelling Newcastle fans .
3 Such an historical perspective must be our long-term goal , even though for the present we can at best only hypothesize about the nature of the development processes at work .
4 Full marks though for the clarity of all the instruments , the relationship of the controls , pedals and wheel — although this is a little too offset for some — and the rattle-free interior .
5 It is interesting that these were exactly the issues that Mezey was concerned with at the same time , though for the whole of the region rather than one area .
6 The first 16-bit generation was won hands-down by MS-DOS with Macintosh System in second place — and winning a moral victory by setting the agenda for what should have been the 32-bit generation but in effect became the second 16-bit generation , which seems to have been won by Microsoft Windows , even though for the majority , MS-DOS is all most people want or use .
7 To quieten her , to get away from the dark , lurking forest of the past , she said , ‘ I 'll get you a drink , though for the life of me I ca n't imagine why you are cold .
8 A North-South cold war formula is unlikely to command the same kind of broad domestic support , even though for the time being , the parties of the Left are supporting the war , at least in the United States and Western Europe .
9 For some countries , like Greece , Portugal and Ireland , no doubt there will continue to be largesse to be gained from her , though for the time being even this is likely to be hard to come by , as Germany piles money into her eastern territory and focuses much of the rest of her financial attentions on her former Communist neighbours .
10 Whatever made you think that the idea — of course quite impossible , though for the sake of argument we will not imagine it so — myself and Edward going away together was simply unconventional .
11 Some people say certain responses in others make them see red and they are guaranteed to be upset , even though for the sake of peace they may repress their anger or hurt .
12 Words which do not receive primary stress normally have secondary stress , though for the sake of simplicity this is not marked here .
13 Over her shoulder , lying on the black leather upholstery of the back seat , he could see a black velour trilby which was vaguely familiar , though for the moment he did not have time to sort out exactly why or how .
14 Though after the Lateran Pact of 1929 , which settled the conflict between the Holy See and Italy , the Bishop of Rome was no longer a ( self-imposed ) ‘ prisoner in the Vatican ’ , the papacy 's isolation remained , heightened in popular consciousness by the war years .
15 This may make the additional expense worth while , though after the initial O 1 , the sample becomes less and less representative of the population as individuals are selectively lost through death , migration , etc .
16 All were CPSU members and Yazov , Yanayev and Kryuchkov had been politburo members , though after the reorganization of the party in July 1990 [ see p. 37614-17 ] , following the March abolition of its constitutional monopoly on power [ see p. 37299 ] , government ministers could no longer be on the party 's ruling bodies .
17 They argue that , for Whitehouse in particular , though after the war her formal ties with the Oxford Group diminished , her years of close association with it provided her with a very clear intellectual approach to the perceived ills of the modern world .
18 We had a good ride — quite a hard one , I had difficulty keeping up , though towards the end they were getting noticably slower ! — and we were then invited to one of them 's house for breakfast .
19 Of course the transport-technology of Charles 's regime , as of any ancien régime , had its hazards : once crowns were mislaid in transit ( though unlike the baggage of the English King John three centuries later , they were soon found ) .
20 As soon as I rounded the line of fitted units screening off the kitchen I saw her slumped on the floor in the corner , huddled up as though against the cold .
21 The picture in Julia 's dream was so vivid that she could feel the sun on her face , and even in sleep her eyes screwed up as though against the glare .
22 He had a round face , a hard set expression , and a way of speaking with his mouth scarcely open so that his words fell out as though under the weight of their meaning .
23 She was sandy-haired and rather fat and usually wore blue or grey tweeds , though with the passage of years she had become comfortably indifferent to dress .
24 At the level of political debate the message has also proved widely attractive , though with the qualification that whilst the political right has tended to adopt the common form , the left has preferred the more acute form of de-industrialisation .
25 Dobry 's proposal , in essence , was that the simple should be distinguished and treated expeditiously , though with the opportunity for some participation and with a safety channel to allow them to be transferred to the major category if this should prove appropriate .
26 To say more precisely whether these cuts produced something like the optimal solution to the level of investment ( though with the inconvenience of power cuts at the peak ) , is problematic in an economy which ( even in the 1950s ) was subject to considerable disequilibrium in prices and inherited production patterns .
27 And Tate proceeded to cite , with equanimity and approval , some of the non-English writers whom Eliot had solicited for The Criter- ion , or else had approved there : Charles Maurras , Paul Valéry , Henri Massis , Oswald Spengler — several of whom would not unjustly , though with the benefit of hindsight , be condemned later as Fascist or proto-Fascist .
28 Outside , the sun still shone , though with the approach of evening the light had lost some of its force and the room grew dimmer .
29 The Lieutenant 's friends were advised that the only way of getting to India , short of enlisting as a private soldier , was to travel as an officer 's servant , though with the prospect of becoming a recognised volunteer upon arrival .
30 Britain 's rescue drew it deeper into the American orbit , though with the introduction of Marshall Aid to promote the economic recovery of Europe by means of financing balance of payments deficits , this was to a degree common to western European countries [ Milward , 1984 ] .
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