Example sentences of "though [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Slowly it sapped at the roots of the kind of justice which had been dependent on the judgement of God ; ordeal — in any case a last resort — grew rare ; though trial by battle continued as a privilege of the military classes ( in some places till the end of the middle ages ) , it too became somewhat of a curiosity .
2 Though addition of Depardieu to ingredients would certainly improve any film , or indeed trifle .
3 They are fine-boned , short-legged , deep in the body and with fine , short horns curving inwards and slightly upwards at the tips in most cases , though direction of growth is variable .
4 Such attitudes are hard to a shift even though discrimination in housing is illegal under the race relations legislation .
5 In the meantime the anti-planners were relatively few , though titles like Ordeal by planning ( Jewkes , 1948 ) , a furious onslaught on the experiences of the recent past , fuelled the deep-seated convictions of the political Right .
6 It was certainly used in medieval times but it is doubtful if it is prehistoric , even though traces of Bronze Age and Iron Age fields lie on either side of it .
7 The Dickens study showed that the parties generally viewed the involvement of ACAS favourably , though opportunities for complaint about their involvement were limited in the interviews conducted by the researchers .
8 Though management in hospital of such patients before transplantation is undoubtedly labour intensive and expensive , many such patients return to normal working life .
9 Innovations in the curriculum included vocal music and Natural Science ( though lectures on Geology , Chemistry , and Zoology had been arranged since as early as 1871 ) .
10 If you are a reasonably good rider and can get experienced help , you may enjoy bringing on a just broken four-year old — though youngsters with potential ( whether obvious or in the current owner 's imagination ) can carry big price tags .
11 Though areas of uncertainty and dispute remain , for example in the Barents Sea , settlement is expected within the terms of the 1982 Convention , or at least within the spirit of international cooperation that underlies it ( Theutenberg 1984 ) .
12 Though process of care measures may be an imperfect guide to the standard of patient care because of differences in the knowledge and skills of health carers in their different settings , we believe that our results are a very considerable improvement on those of previous British studies .
13 Though applicants for registration may have little or no idea of charity law , the Charity Commissioners are bound by the existing law , and the process of registration can be complicated , lengthy and the results seemingly arcane , not to say incomprehensible , in the terms of the language required by the Charity Commissioners .
14 In Anglo-Irish. erm ‘ There was a small tap on the pane , as though something had struck it , followed by a light , though abundant falling , as though grains of sand were being dropped from a window above , and then a more intense and regular sound , which took on a rhythm and became fluid , resonant , musical , infinite , universal .
15 That is its sole function as prescribed by the Statutes , though membership of Convocation also carries with it certain privileges , such as use of the University Library .
16 BRITISH riders made a highly satisfying start to the Volvo World Cup Final in the warm-up competitions , though pride of place went to an expatriate , Lesley McNaught-Mandli , who now lives in and rides for Switzerland .
17 Though conflict of interest situations are diverse in form , they can , however , be distinguished from other types of market place misconduct such as bribery , embezzlement , fraud etc .
18 Some 73% of the sample claimed to have middle or senior management capable of using both English and German , though knowledge of French was limited to some 24% .
19 The payment to shareholders is being paid from reserves for the second year running , though earnings per share jumped from 3p to 12p .
20 The total dividend is raised from 6.4p in 1991 to 7p after a final of 4.8p , though earnings per share dipped from 13.9p to 11.7p .
21 Generally speaking , one may say that apart from dispositions by will , a deed , i.e. a sealed writing , is necessary , though leases in possession for not more than three years at the best rent obtainable without taking a premium may still be made without a deed or even by word of mouth .
22 And even before the War , though Hewlett in correspondence with Harold Monro and Newbolt could give and take hard knocks by way of semi-technical criticism , yet it is enveloped and emasculated by similarly anxious camaraderie .
23 Premature though speculation of divorce may be — both Microsoft and IBM are quick to pledge their commitment to each other — even minor flaws in their domestic harmony will be closely watched .
24 It is essentially a melodic instrument and , though holding-notes in music of light calibre are charming in effect ( especially from or thereabouts with the exception — save in the hands of first-class players — of C ) it can not efface itself sufficiently to carry out the menial task of ‘ filling in notes of the harmony ’ in block writing .
25 Science and technology still accounted for the largest group of students , though recruitment for technology was encountering difficulties in Britain generally .
26 But even though week after week the jokes were the same , we always laughed .
27 Such ‘ determinism ’ now seems antiquated ( though echoes of omniscience can sometimes be heard in the wilder regions of computer-driven ‘ artificial intelligence ’ systems ) .
28 In terms of company performance , use of foreign languages was vital to survival — though frequency of use depended on company-type and the position of the language user .
29 The Wolf-Man thought he would n't have got far in that dismal profession , though success in economics , as in psychoanalysis , can be difficult to define .
30 ‘ We need a training officer , though size of authority probably does not justify ’ …
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