Example sentences of "taken with [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Influenced by developments such as these , substantial public support began to develop for measures which would protect the position of the indigenous nationalities and which would ensure that economic decisions were taken with a greater degree of consideration for local circumstances .
2 He had been much taken with a small low-growing Kalmia at Whitton — from Pennsylvania so the Duke of Argyll had told him — but did not specifically request it .
3 This means that the figures quoted in this paragraph have to be taken with a small pinch of salt .
4 The MA(Honours) in Arabic may be taken with a wide variety of secondary subjects , while there are also a number of joint degrees linking Arabic with appropriate subjects in Arts and Social Sciences .
5 ‘ I had some sort of idea about a telescoped vision , ’ Minton told Nevile Wallis , ‘ like those newsreel films taken with a magnifying lens of state functions and so on , where you get that curious distortion . ’
6 Thus the NEB 's reassurances were taken with a strong dose of salt .
7 A blurred picture taken with a slow-speed camera shows that the clubhead has , indeed , caught up with the hands at address , a fact that the high-speed camera fails to detect .
8 Sometimes they were a little lifeless , not with lethargy or simple weariness ( they could be that , but then his whole body-language ‘ drooped ’ accordingly ) , but with a specific withdrawn quality which , when taken with a certain passivity of the face , can be hard and unyielding : betokening a concern — even a resentment — in being examined in that particular way .
9 Coming from the lead guitarist in a band who 've only just released their second single , you 'd expect such remarks to be taken with a hefty pinch of salt .
10 In King Ine 's laws the smith was rated as the equal of the reeve and a child 's nurse , who , being servants , could be taken with a gesithcund man if he moved to a different area ( ibid. p. 104 ) .
11 FAR LEFT This photograph of the comet Kohoutek was taken with a 35 mm camera in january 1974 by the lunar and planetary laboratory photographic team at the Catalina observatory ( University of Arizona ) .
12 General photographs ( ‘ body maps ’ ) were taken with a 35 mm camera and Kodachrome colour slide film .
13 It will become increasingly important that such decisions are taken with a full understanding of the implications of this procedure .
14 Friday was taken with a full day at the Severn Valley Railway at Kidderminster .
15 There are many herbal products that can help you relax or sleep , including herbal teas which , when taken with a little honey , can give an excellent night 's sleep .
16 Thus most of her work here , a series of a dozen double images in black and white , has been taken with a disposable 35mm camera , where the negative , with a thick black border , is virtually half the normal size .
17 Her mouth was being taken with a possessive intensity that obliterated thought and left only sensation .
18 Photographs using SWIR radiation rather than visible light can be taken with an ordinary camera and special film .
19 And much as I coveted a wonderful watercolour by Albert that I came across in an Alice Springs gallery for 4,000 dollars I was even more taken with the traditional native art , particularly since it seemed to offer useful hints about a problem I had of seeing the outback in ways other than through the window-on-the-world vision that developed in Renaissance Italy .
20 This , when taken with the interim dividend of 5.25p per share paid on 31st December 1990 , gives a total dividend of 13.25p ( 1990 — 13.79p ) per share for the year ended 31st March 1991 .
21 The Crown submitted that , even if the defendant 's approach be accepted , the defence could not exclude admissible evidence , even if proper notice of it had not been given , and further argued that Zaidie 's evidence ( confirmed by the defendant ) that an accident was not suggested in the telephone call to him was conclusive when taken with the incontrovertible circumstances of the shooting , thereby suggesting that the ‘ irregularities ’ were not material in the sense that the defence could have profited if they had not occurred .
22 Traders like tavern-keepers in the Strand and wine merchants in St James 's Street , learnt to expect and tolerate late payment , and to ensure that any steps to obtain settlement were taken with the greatest diplomacy .
23 Local authorities are to be given the leading role in the organisation of community care , but the decision to give them this responsibility was taken with the greatest possible reluctance and only after every other possibility had been explored .
24 Care has to be taken with the adjacent values , which can not be obtained by reading off distances on the graph paper ; they must be obtained arithmetically .
25 In a rapidly changing business , how can crucial decisions on manpower be taken with the necessary speed and on a basis of fact ?
26 A vote was taken with the following results :
27 Taken with the other thing , you begin to wonder , ’ said Corbett Farraday .
28 Their voices , a blend of proud and plebeian , would , when taken with the early autumnal chill , have suggested they were Tories in Brighton for their Party 's annual conference .
29 In writing for others they will learn that writing for a public audience requires more care to be taken with the finished product than writing for oneself as an aid to memory .
30 City economists said yesterday that the American decision to cut the Fed Funds rate by ¼ point to 33/4 p.c. may have been taken with the international as well as the domestic situation in mind .
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