Example sentences of "taken [pers pn] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 yeah , he looks like he 's taken them for protection cos he 's like and no one will come near with them cos they 're like , really if they 'd see ya
2 Anyone seeing them together on the common outside Oswaldston would have taken them for husband and wife , though Hilary was by nearly three years the younger .
3 And I bought a couple but the kids have taken them to school .
4 Cos he 'd have taken them to court and said well he did n't even pay it , I did !
5 Do you mean to say that everybody 's taken them to Road ?
6 In the past , such houses had always been offered to the National Trust , which had initially taken them without endowment , accepting instead an undertaking that the Ministry of Works would make good any deficit on repairs and maintenance through a Historic Buildings Council grant .
7 Neither the salts nor the drug were illegal in either Scotland or England and Johnson , along with other team-mates , had taken them as part of their pre-match rituals on many occasions .
8 Four farms , nearly eight hundred acres — Wyatt had taken them in settlement of various wagers .
9 One is to imagine that , for the most part , they find on examination that they hold these ideals , that they have taken them in part from the culture of their society . ’
10 Oswiu seems to have taken them by surprise and brought them to bay on the banks of the River Winwaed , now swollen by autumnal rains , and probably to be identified with the River Went , a tributary of the Don .
11 The afternoon and evening seemed to pass with agonizing slowness , yet , when the time came for Maurice 's departure , it felt to Charlotte as if it had crept up and taken them by surprise .
12 Firstly , Martin Coleman from High Wycombe has taken me to task for not including a power on/off switch in the circuit of Fig. 4 ( April ‘ 92 ) .
13 He 's taken yours by mistake .
14 ‘ I 'll give her up once I 've taken you to bed , Rachel , and not before ! ’
15 ‘ So it could hardly have taken you by surprise that she 'd started up life with a different partner . ’
16 I reckon poor old Charlie was glad I had n't taken him into partnership .
17 He underwent a similar experience after a teacher had taken him to North London AC in his first year of secondary school .
18 His interviews the previous night had been done with all his customary thoroughness , but the most productive one had been not the Fernies or young Curtis , those most directly concerned with the incidents which had taken him to Boundary Drive , but with Ted Morgan whom there was really no reason to interview at all .
19 South Clwyd Coroner John Hughes said he had been impressed by the courage of the other crew members of the Warrior and medics who had pulled L Cpl Edwards from the vehicle , tried to resuscitate him and taken him to hospital .
20 The troopship which had taken him to war .
21 I could have taken him to task about how he was defining ‘ agree ’ and ‘ honest ’ , but just somehow did n't .
22 McGuigan 's passion for driving has taken him from circuit racing to rally cross , in which he achieved 12th place in the British Championships last year .
23 being of course , is first of all find your home and while he was n't in a home he was driving the neighbours mad because he 's beginning to get confused and wander about and maintain that he has n't had his dinner when two people have already taken him in lunch , you know and the other problem is erm er er having found him a very nice home , he did n't want to go !
24 I had been so horrified by Jason Purvis ' physical condition that , almost unwittingly , I had taken him in hand .
25 It had just taken him by surprise , her wanting to put flowers in an empty house .
26 Doyle watched her riffle through a wad of papers as though she had taken him by surprise , and when she held up something for Tug to see he craned sideways so that he could glimpse it too .
27 This sentiment was confirmed by Saints ' boss Ian Branfoot who admitted that the attacking Town tactics had taken him by surprise .
28 Evidently something she 'd said had taken him by surprise .
29 Boz 's manner was still threatening , but Seb 's response had taken him by surprise .
30 His head was still chewing over the problems he had discussed with his young students at the polytechnic , but his feet — as though contemptuous of all such academic preoccupations — had taken him by chance to a long , shabby street of bow-fronted houses that had obviously known better days .
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