Example sentences of "taken [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After the violent conditions that erm we think occurred in the early life of the earth and injected energy and churned up the atmosphere and formed the prebiotic molecules , we find that just those same molecules are actually in the clouds in space , and these clouds are the basic raw material from which stars and plants form in the first place , so we might ask the question could they have got into the earth 's atmosphere without this intermediate process , and I think there are mechanisms whereby these molecules can accrete into the earth 's atmosphere , and it certainly suggests that we should look at thse and certainly not be taken as a foregone conclusion that the Uray/Miller experiments are the only mechanism whereby the prebiotic soup was formed .
2 The square brackets in ( 62 ) merely mark that the whole is to be taken as a complex entity , which is given anyway by our assumption that an E extended remains an E ; if the brackets are not needed in ( 61 ) why are they present in ( 62 ) ; alternatively , why not write them in in both cases ?
3 Secondly , there is the problem of the Northern catholic community , which tends to be taken as a monolithic nationalist community .
4 Still easily found are the various books by Lea McNally : Highland Deer Forest ; Year of the Red Deer , etc. which are marvellously illustrated with the author 's photographs , taken as a professional stalker .
5 Taken as a good read , this is an excellent book .
6 Worm holes are another blemish which should be noted by cataloguers , even though their presence will not normally be taken as a good reason for returning a book .
7 Long-term regional unemployment ( measured here by those unemployed for more than three years ) is often taken as a good indicator of how deep a region 's problems may be .
8 It may be that our first target should be Romance elements and , if so , our victory in the recent war may be taken as a good augury .
9 However , in the summer term of 1981 , the ‘ entry-year curriculum ’ was taken as a specific focus for evaluation .
10 To arrive at the overall meaning of 4 , blackbird must be taken as a minimal semantic constituent .
11 Normally a degree at a university ( apart from the Open University ) requires three or four years ' full-time study , but it may be taken as a four-year sandwich course , or in five to six years ' part-time study in other institutions .
12 Something said in jest , quizzically , sarcastically , as a roundabout way of asking a question , may be taken as a literal statement of fact .
13 A certain proportion can be taken as a tax-free lump sum , but the balance must invariably be used to buy an income stream in the shape of an annuity .
14 We can see that age of acquisition may be taken as a predictive factor for current sign language training but that it is not a pure , uncontaminated variable .
15 The enforceability of collusive agreements by some means can , therefore , be taken as a necessary condition for their existence .
16 The course is of three years ' duration ( or four years if Asian Studies is taken as a joint or minor subject with French ) .
17 The course is of three years ' duration ( or four years if English is taken as a joint or minor subject with French ) .
18 The course is of three years ' duration ( or four years if Geography is taken as a joint or minor subject with French ) .
19 The course is of three years ' duration ( or four years if Irish is taken as a joint or minor subject with French ) .
20 The course is of three years ' duration ( or four years if Philosophy is taken as a joint or minor subject with French ) .
21 Branson himself said that he welcomed the ruling , if it accepted that the fare proposals were predatory , but that he was ‘ obviously disturbed ’ if the decision had been taken as a political move to stop Virgin applying in the US courts for remedies under the anti-trust laws .
22 It may be taken as a general rule , subject to exceptions , not applicable to this case , that the promise must be co-extensive with the consideration .
23 It is a theme well received by leading businessmen in the NorthEast , if an open letter from eight company heads , including Sir Tom Cowie chairman of Sunderland-based motor dealer Cowies , and Jeremy Ropner , managing director of Darlington-based mini- conglomerate Ropner , is taken as a typical viewpoint .
24 Two rectangular buildings there had a pit sunk in one corner which might be taken as a distinguishing feature .
25 Also energy requirements vary with body size and how active you are , so the figures quoted above should be taken as a rough guide .
26 At the end of Fifth Year , students take the Diploma in Architecture , and so gain exemption from the RIBA Examination , Part 2 ; the Diploma is also taken as a two-year course by students who have obtained a first degree in architecture elsewhere in Britain .
27 The course is of three years ' duration if French is taken as a minor subject and of four years ' duration if taken as a major or joint subject .
28 Geography in Humanities Combined may be taken as a major , joint or minor subject with : Asian Studies , English , European Studies , French , History , Irish , Media Studies , Philosophy , or Theatre Studies ; or , as a major subject only , with German .
29 It is possible to study for an honours degree in Italian , or for the variety of joint honours degrees set out at the beginning of the Arts section ( with another modern European language , for example , or with a number of other Arts subjects , or with Business Studies ) , and Italian may also be taken as a major or minor part of the MA(General) and the MA ( General Honours ) .
30 The assertions of the Liverpool trader , Robert Norris , can be taken as a representative example .
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