Example sentences of "taken [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Ludlow may reasonably be taken as the actual founder of the movement : it was his earlier experience of social visiting among the London poor , and his knowledge of the French co-operatives , which gave content to Maurice 's theological groundwork .
2 Initially N is taken as the first partial remainder .
3 The first sailing from the port after midnight on the New Year was taken as the official start of the Single Market ; the first piece of freight on board was actually an unidentified light van and trailer — the driver no doubt blissfully unaware that he had made history — which , along with several vehicles turning round from the inbound convoy , sneaked back on board the 01.00 return sailing of the Pride of Kent while the official welcoming party was still in progress at the other end of the port .
4 If the percentage increase in eps is taken as the key measure , companies which begin with very low earnings have an unfair advantage .
5 Two contrasting parts of the country — south-west Hertfordshire and Middlesborough — yielded proof that if IQ was very reasonably taken as the key criterion , then there was no ‘ problem ’ associated with the access of bright working-class boys to grammar schools .
6 The resting pressure was taken as the mean pressure of all measurements in each of the three catheters — that is , six determinations in each patient .
7 ( It should be noted that the latter may only be taken as the final module in a masters programme ) .
8 The cases of the thief and the squatter have been taken as the clearest instances of possession acquired without any right whatever .
9 Just as it was possible to try the major war criminals after 1945 on the basis of generally accepted principles ( to which the Hague and Geneva codes contributed ) , so the 1977 Protocols must be taken as the clearest formulation of the laws presently applicable to armed conflict , including the use of nuclear weapons .
10 There should be a branch recruitment strategy ( broadly the same for each branch ) which is agreed upon and taken as the personal responsibility of a nominated Branch Recruitment Secretary .
11 There should be a branch recruitment strategy ( broadly the same for each branch ) which is agreed upon and taken as the personal responsibility of a nominated Branch Recruitment Secretary .
12 Evidently , the vector in ( 1 ) is arbitrary to a scalar complex multiplier , say unc + unc another vector satisfying ( 1 ) is thus unc Any arbitrary linear combination of p and q may therefore be taken as the real part of the vector , with a corresponding combination for the imaginary part .
13 The taxpayers ' contention is supported by certain unfair consequences which could ensue if the cost of the benefit is to be taken as the average cost .
14 When the sample size is large , say 100 , the standard error of the mean can be taken as the standard error of the estimate .
15 When the sample size is large , say 100 , the standard error of the mean can be taken as the standard error of the estimate .
16 The last item entered at either of these prompts will be taken as the current item , even if an incompatible entry has been made at the other prompt .
17 If L1 is sufficiently large so that unc then unc may be taken as the total primary current I1 , leading to the relationship
18 Dining out The character and wide range of flavours of Scotch Whiskies make the perfect companion to a meal , taken as an aperitif — either straight , or with water or soda , or with a variety of mixers , with or without ice … taken during a meal … and taken as the perfect after-dinner drink .
19 The movies had created a false world and what was taken as the ultimate proof of that was the way in which they had failed to deal directly with real Americans and their dilemmas .
20 In empirical work , the unit of analysis is typically taken as the nuclear family or household , and the distribution based on all such units in existence at a particular date .
21 Thus it was , that at some momentous point in the immensity of time there came into being three initial units which can be taken as the true beginning of the story of earthly life .
22 For concreteness , we focus on the corporation tax , which has been taken as the main application of the analysis .
23 The mean value of the fasting samples obtained at 15 minutes and immediately before the meal was taken as the basal gastrin value .
24 In Braverman 's analysis , this ‘ separation of the intellectual faculties of the production process from manual labour ’ , or division between ‘ conception ’ and ‘ execution ’ , is taken as the fundamental and enduring feature of the capitalist division of labour .
25 Until recently , at A level " the evidence " has mainly consisted of historians ' work ; a text book could be taken as the whole truth .
26 The need in the case of the Oedipus myth to resolve the contradiction between two pieces of knowledge that are in conflict can be comfortably taken as the signified that lies behind the significations that make up the various versions of the myth .
27 Many of the rules laid down by this syndicat in 1904 were later taken as the basic framework around which the AOC regulations for Champagne were formulated in 1927 .
28 For example in the revision of I want to + infinitive I want to go to Italy might be taken as the basic sentence .
29 The form that literary studies had taken during the second half of the nineteenth century , positivism , was , as we saw in the Introduction , largely based on the genetic approach ; critics , or rather scholars , concentrated their energies on uncovering the sources and genesis of particular works , and the role of biography , history and history of ideas in these genetic studies obviously reduced the importance of literature itself in literary scholarship .
30 FROM Graham White come more photographs of Tamiami Airport , taken during the expensive mopping up operation after the terrible night of August 24 .
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