Example sentences of "taken [prep] [art] local " in BNC.

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1 I was taken into the , my wife died in January of nineteen eighty nine , I was taken into the local psychiatric hospital at in the December of nineteen eighty nine and I was told I was gon na be given an experimental drug , I was told nothing about it or any anything to do with any of the side effects , I I was in th I was on Prozac for about four days , I suffered horrendous side effects , shaking and one thing and another .
2 After his own area , the Pan-American Union , had failed to support him , he claimed to suffer a heart attack in the middle of the meeting and was taken to a local hospital .
3 The contents are then sucked into a large tank on a trailer , which is taken to a local refuse treatment works , where it is emptied and thoroughly cleaned .
4 ‘ It is easy to understand , although some austere persons elaborately refuse to understand , why these crowds in the industrial towns pay shillings they can badly afford to see twenty-two professionals kick a ball about , ’ JB Priestley wrote after being taken to a local derby march between Nottingham Forest and Notts County .
5 Someone came to tell her that her twelve-year-old son Paul had been knocked down by a car on the way home from a friend 's house and taken to the local hospital .
6 One person on site was taken to the local hospital complaining of eye irritation but was later discharged and the crew of a vessel in the Humber estuary reported exposure to an irritant cloud , but not ill effects were evident when the crew was checked by a doctor .
7 He was taken to the local police station , charged and bailed out to return at a later date .
8 During the arrest the four men were reportedly beaten with rubber truncheons and then taken to the local police station in Péc , where they were again beaten and held overnight .
9 He required physical restraint and was then taken to the local psychiatric hospital by the police .
10 The plain shimmered below a cloudless sky , and it was not unusual to hear that some contadino ( peasant ) who had been working in the afternoon heat had been taken to the local hospital suffering or even dying from sunstroke .
11 A couple of the members had to miss this on Sunday as Phil ( Sir Courtney ) had to be taken to the local hospital for stitches in his fingers .
12 The security guard was taken to the local surgery then the Princess Margaret Hospital in Swindon .
13 The fact that very little concerted thought had been given to organizing the juvenile labour-market does not mean that no action had been taken at the local level by schools , skilled employment committees , and several or more local education authorities .
14 In view of the customary informal liaison between environmental health officers and inspectors , however , it seems that as long as the inspector is striving to abate the odour , no action will be taken by a local authority until the odour becomes very bad indeed .
15 ‘ 11(1) Any person aggrieved by — ( a ) a notice under the foregoing provisions of this Part of this Act requiring the execution of works , ( b ) a demand for the recovery of expenses incurred by a local authority in executing works specified in any such notice , ( c ) an order made by a local authority with respect to any such expenses , may , within 21 days of the service of the notice , demand or order , appeal to the county court within the jurisdiction of which the premises to which the notice , demand or order relates are situate , and no proceedings shall be taken by the local authority to enforce any notice , demand or order in relation to which an appeal is brought before the appeal has been finally determined . ’
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