Example sentences of "taken [adv] to the " in BNC.

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1 If you are not disciplined enough to arrive at the agency as though dressed for work you may not be taken on to the books .
2 When an offer is under-subscribed , the unsold stock is taken on to the books of the Bank of England and used as a tap stock for sale to the market over time as and when demand develops or can be created .
3 Information has to be taken in to the brain — often through the eyes but this is only because humans rely so much upon this sense .
4 Any points similar to these which arise from any section of the application form/c.v. should be noted and taken in to the interview as a reminder .
5 Such information will be taken in to the evaluation procedure by the Press .
6 There were very old dogs , taken gently to the nearest suitable spot then straight home ; dogs who bounded ahead , to wait for a moment , look round , eyes shining , mouth dripping , before dashing off once more ; dogs on the lead , who would drag their owner slowly from one thoughtfully sniffed-over site to the next ; and there were some , like Wilson , who trotted to heel — alert , brisk , responsible — although Wilson was not a dog , only so much like an Aberdeen terrier in bearing and gait that his picture sometimes became confused in my mind .
7 This exercise , too , should be taken only to the comfortable stage .
8 The following morning Richard was taken down to the treatment room and given his first induction of air .
9 He was assigned to what was vaguely described as ‘ guard duty , ’ warned not to talk about his work and taken down to the basement to start .
10 He 'd try to sneak us into the zoo without paying and we 'd get caught and taken down to the Police Station .
11 If you are elderly or disabled and the rubbish has to be taken down to the end of a long driveway can you cope ?
12 In 1885 this church was taken down to the window sills and rebuilt .
13 The most hilarious scene in the movie is when Sharon Stone , who plays the bestseller-writing , bisexual , blonde number-one murder suspect , is taken down to the cop shop to be interrogated .
14 The next day we were taken down to the Brahmaputra river and loaded on to large river steamers .
15 Have everything brought in and taken down to the cellar .
16 It was the focal point of the room , and whenever visiting dignatories and military authorities came to visit Aubagne they would be taken down to the crypt where they would stand and salute the hand .
17 Right up to the nineteenth century the winegrowers of Anjou and Touraine would refer to their best wines as " vins pour la mer " , the wines which were going to be taken down to the sea via Nantes .
18 Every year the saints — all three — were taken down to the sea and ritually dipped into it : every year the gipsies from all over France gathered to celebrate this bathing and rebirth .
19 I was taken down to the block [ punishment wing ] and they left me there for two days .
20 Interestingly , the shrouds are taken down to a deep , galvanised , mild steel I-beam which runs between this bulkhead and the main bulkhead forward of the mast : ties are not taken down to the hull itself , so the lockers and shelving behind the settees remain unobstructed .
21 The ore was taken down to the lake , boated down to Nibthwaite , carted from thence to Penny Bridge or Greenodd , ( the latter was quite a busy small port ) from where it was shipped to the Macclesfield Co's. smelters at Liverpool .
22 During the Second World War they were taken down to the dark stone vaults beneath the Half Moon Battery and buried to prevent them falling into enemy hands .
23 Thirdly , the Abbe Gerard apparently drowned after drinking claret which was undoubtedly sent to him by Dacourt , though taken down to the village probably by his secretary , Master Millet .
24 Mike and I saw a a very young child being washed at a tube well , those guiding us round the site were very impressed by this , the child was rather perplexed and surprised as normally it was taken down to the river to be washed .
25 A track wide enough for a tractor could be taken down to the road .
26 She could do with being taken down to the tennis courts probably and have a knock up .
27 The Scottish Mountaineering Club 's Munros book mentioned a private road that ‘ at the time of writing ’ no objection was made to vehicles being taken along to the base of the walk .
28 And if either of these things happened to her then Odette and Liam would be separated and taken away to the work-house , Odette with her heart in pieces and her nerves in tatters , Liam retreating so far into that anxious silence of his that nothing would ever bring him out again .
29 Coffin stayed until the bodies were packaged up and taken away to the police mortuary for the pathologist 's investigation .
30 Anybody under that is they were taken away to the army no bother .
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