Example sentences of "made a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Even better followed when the intelligent Coleman , always capable of rising above the mundane , made a marvellous break that was followed by a superb inside pass to Divorty .
2 United made a marvellous start , scoring after six minutes , but the goal was costly as well as precious .
3 ROBERT Dunlop made a marvellous start to today 's North West 200 when he scored an easy win in the 250cc race , even though the contest was spoiled somewhat when two of the favourites Jim Courtney and especially Phillip McCallen fell off .
4 Smartly closing the regulator , he made a partial application of the steam brake , paused , released it , paused once again , then when he heard the wagon buffers face up , he made a full brake application .
5 This was followed by an attempt to thwart the deal by Scandinavian Airlines System ( SAS ) , which made a partial bid for 26 per cent of British Caledonian 's shares in a proposed deal which also involved a complex financial restructuring package .
6 Although he made a partial recovery in 1926 , he could only conduct the One-Year course at Wells , where he lived .
7 ‘ Then you made a decent profit , Alistair , ’ Adam reminded him .
8 He even made a decent back pass when under some pressure !
9 Ruby 's forte was getting her own photograph in the newspapers as she ‘ arrived at the police station to advise officers working on the such-and-such case ’ ; she was a popular television chat show guest ; and she made a decent living from writing about psychometry .
10 Today he made a humiliating climb down in the Commons and demonstrated that he 'd lost his political touch — that he did n't realise how upset the voters would be if he put 30,000 — going on 100,000 — people out of work .
11 But as I thought then and it has proved since , it made a good story — The pump and towing car did not fare so lightly ; they caught the blast , we missed it .
12 The trouble is , once one article said it , then other articles copied it because it made a good story .
13 Carson liked her because she seemed to display the ideal mix of warmth and distance that made a good neighbour .
14 We ahd a couple of chances — Wallace made a good run but his finishing ( always a bit suspect ) let him down .
15 As you all know our fund-raising project last years was the 200 Club and those of you who joined the club will be pleased to know that the venture made a good profit .
16 After the meeting Mr Fallon said : ‘ We made a good bit of progress .
17 His widow and children returned to England and later emigrated to Australia where one of the daughters , Maria Louisa , made a good marriage .
18 The story goes that ealy in the last century the then owner , a reverend David Edwards made a good marriage to a rich but stout lady , Miss Purnell .
19 At the same time , he made a good contribution on the difficulty in which Labour will find itself , if it is ever in government , with its massive plans for overspending .
20 His brother William made a good deputy in most respects and could deal with much of the day-to-day management of the properties ; but he was very much a stay-at-home character , immersed in his books and studies , and the more distant affairs tended to get neglected .
21 The majority opted for the visit and in my opinion made a good choice .
22 I think you made a good choice of boxes , it 's a bit small but
23 Now Hill Ward lashes at it but he er made a good contact .
24 Though not a homosexual , he mixed easily with gays , laughed readily at Minton 's jokes and made a good audience .
25 He and Ollie and Mac made a good team , playing at various Underground stations all that autumn and winter until Mac left because he had found a place to live up north and they took Peter on .
26 It made a good reason for those excluded to dislike Miss Morgan , but it had been true any time these past two years .
27 The six cylinder engine is 6 inches longer than a four cylinder and will not fit a 4 cylinder chassis without a great deal of modification , but a 6 cylinder , 3-litre car engine will fit a 6 cylinder Land Rover and made a good conversion .
28 They also made a good point , that all timber-frame houses should be formally recorded as such either by the NHBC or on the title deeds , ‘ so that people realise they are living in a timber-frame house and can take professional advice when making alterations ’ .
29 The hon. Member for Ogmore ( Mr. Powell ) made a good point at the beginning of the debate when he said that there have been considerable difficulties in redesigning the Shops Act 1950 to meet the requirements of the 1990s .
30 Of course , a well-trained Labrador made a good retriever .
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