Example sentences of "made [pn reflx] some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We made ourselves some ro is , and when we 'd eaten them , I set out for home .
2 He made himself some Ovaltine in the kitchen around ten-thirty p.m .
3 Back at the house Philip made himself some tea and ate some cereal .
4 Maxie made himself some coffee and took it out to the patio , where he surveyed the work to be done .
5 In the end he got up and made himself some coffee , then watched the early morning skies above Manhattan as he recalled the past .
6 Sneaking across the kitchen she made herself some bread and margarine .
7 Her movements brisk and purposeful , she made herself some lunch , and actually forced herself to eat it .
8 The next morning , without seeing any of the family , who were heaven knew where , she made herself some breakfast under the smiling gaze of Rose or Mary — she did n't know which — and before she could get into a worry as to whether Feargal had meant his offer to take her to Carlingford he walked in through the back door .
9 Feeling hungry , Ellie made herself some toast in the kitchen , collected some brochures from the hall table , and took herself out for the day .
10 The chicken was delicious , and Lisa was feeling revitalised as she made herself some coffee and settled down to work .
11 The kettle whistled , and she made herself some recaff .
12 Unable to face the thought of food , she made herself some tea .
13 She made herself some tea , hunted for headache tablets and slumped down into a chair .
14 She made herself some tea and took some aspirin and paced about the flat .
15 Leonora had a good cry , made herself some tea , then settled down to knit furiously .
16 I made myself some medicine , some er honey , glycerine and apple cider vinegar .
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