Example sentences of "made [noun] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He recognised that there was general resentment of the oppressive conduct of the Forest officers , and made provision for regular inquiries into it , and for presentment of Forest offences to be made at the attachment courts , as a procedure preliminary to the Forest Eyre .
2 Undaunted , the 1918 Education Act made provision for local authorities to begin to open such schools for all 14–16 year-olds not otherwise engaged in full-time secondary education .
3 France ratified Protocol No 1 of the treaty , which made provision for nuclear powers outside the region which had territories under their jurisdiction within it , in this case French Guiana .
4 The Regional Council 's Code of Practice on the Introduction of Computer Technology ( May 1989 ) made provision for voluntary screening arrangements for V.D.U .
5 Company chief David Ellwood said yesterday that his firm made nooses for British hangmen until 1964 — but had now dropped the trade .
6 The association of ideas made fondness for Gentle sound like another disease , but he did n't comment on it , merely made arrangements to pick up Klein the following evening and put down the phone , plunged into a deeper trough than ever .
7 The only other study that made corrections for pyloric loss and duodenogastric reflux came to conclusions that are the same as ours .
8 In the art field of late nineteenth-century Paris , then , in the delimited field , bohemians of the avant-garde made paintings for other bohemian and avant-garde painters .
9 People were aware their children sometimes made problems for other people and they did n't bring them .
10 It would have surprised Claudia if Dana did have any money ; she earned a great deal but spent it as fast as she made it , and , while it made sense for Roman to bring her under his wing , Claudia resented it fiercely .
11 Thus , given that there might come a time when forces were available for deployment in the Middle East , it made sense for American diplomats to encourage what friends and allies they could to hold the line in the interval .
12 Only the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats made nominations for political services and , apart from Sir David Steel , there are just three backbench knighthoods .
13 The LEA refused to concede , even when the parents made application for judicial review ; but when the application to the court was amended to focus on the legality of the LEA 's admissions procedures and their operation , the authority finally backed down and found places for the children at two schools where non-white pupils were firmly in the minority ( Overthorpe and Thornhill ) .
14 The history of astronomy also disclosed a succession of hypotheses , which made claims for physical truth look precarious .
15 Eddie Youds made way for sub keeper Clive Baker who held out for Ipswich 's eighth draw .
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