Example sentences of "to make [adv prt] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The company has had to take on ten extra staff to make up the order .
2 I 'm just trying to keep his feet on the ground and try to make up the yardage , but Lee hits out of the bunker and thinks it has all left him .
3 If she was right , they had 2,700 kilometres , or about 1,700 miles in which to make up the leeway .
4 Luke Harvey put Katabatic under strong pressure , but never looked likely to make up the leeway and was five lengths down at the finish .
5 Do you think that perhaps this is going to be difficult and , if we do n't get back to those levels , then presumably you have to encourage local British people to , to make up the leeway so speak , because if you do n't it means hotels , restaurants , all kinds of businesses , could be in difficulty .
6 That was something to make up the quarter of your shift .
7 The term hardware refers to the electronic and electromechanical bits and pieces that go to make up the machine .
8 Solon divided the citizen body into four classes on the basis of wealth or property ownership , and while most important political offices were confined to the higher of these classes , the lowest class were entitled to attend the Assembly or Ecclesia , and to make up the juries who decided both on guilt and innocence and on sentences in the courts .
9 Concern was expressed over the failure of Cala Homes to make up the roads to serve their new houses .
10 Among the shields are those of Bohemia , Moravia , Silesia and Upper and Lower Lusatia , the states that went to make up the lands of Bohemia .
11 They are doing work which every compositor is called upon to do at some time or another , that is plain composition , " but he added that the men do " the many operations that go to make up the comp 's calling " .
12 Over the years two streams have perpetually flowed together to make up the story of this congregation .
13 He arranged bridging-loans and a mortgage to make up the price of the tall house with the basement into which she had decided he should move as a lodger , abandoning his awful little bed-sit in Chepstow Road .
14 Her enthusiasm did not , however , encompass all the complexities that would be involved in such a project , from researching the fabric to preparing special screens for printing and educating machinists to make up the dresses in a traditional way .
15 The players with the required letters then form a line to make up the word as fast as they can , and the team which does it the quickest gets a point .
16 PONCE : The bit that goes at the end of ‘ Res ’ to make up the word ‘ Response ’ .
17 The nation-state , therefore , is the spatial reference point for most of the crucial transnational practices that go to make up the structures of the global system , in the sense that most transnational practices intersect in particular countries and come under the jurisdiction of particular nation-states .
18 You now have the necessary items to make up the patient 's stock bottle in the consulting room .
19 In Niemeyers , for example , the company language is English which is used for 70% of all non-Dutch communication ( with French and German each approximately 15% to make up the rest ) .
20 This demonstrates once again the sensitivity of the conclusions to the choice of taxes to make up the rest of the package .
21 Eduardo took me out to a nearby restaurant on the Tuesday evening , saying he was too lazy to cook and that he does not often nowadays have any or many chances to take women out ( ! ) , so in return on the Wednesday I got food to make up the rest of a meal using two wild ducks had generously given me to roast , and we had the second one cold on the Thursday after my second meeting .
22 Radio Bangladesh quoted an official spokesman as saying on Aug. 10 that the independent Mecca-based Islamic body , Rabitah , had agreed to fund half the estimated US$50,000,000 cost of repatriation and rehousing , and Pakistan was to make up the rest .
23 We order a further 1,000kg at £5/kg to make up the 3,000kg .
24 The heavier atomic bits — the stuff that goes to make up the planets — they had to wait until later until they 'd had a chance to be built up .
25 Requesting the sales girl to make up the bill , he 'd proceeded to lower his dark head , his arms closing about her like steel bands as he 'd possessed Laura 's lips in a long , slow and devastating kiss .
26 But it has to be said ( it has to be said ! ) wrote Harsnet , and Goldberg , typing , smiled to himself , it has to be said , wrote Harsnet , that if every project is likely , if not certain , to result in the addition of a little more shit to the shit that already exists , there is also the possibility , faint it is true but real , of the unexpected , and this is what delay makes possible and what the onward rush of time , the ever-increasing acceleration of time , perpetually denies , and in addition to the possibility of the unexpected appearing in the coils of delay , in addition to that , it has to be said , he wrote , that whatever the project , however trivial , however exalted , it will always say more than its maker knows , and , if genuine ( I will return to genuine ) , something will emerge which is distinct from whatever came before , from whatever elements went to make up the whole , a tone , a voice , which is not the tone or the voice of the maker but something else , something which , in my more optimistic moments , or perhaps my less clear-sighted moments , seems to be distinct from the shit though inseparable from it , a tone , a style , which links it to its maker 's other genuine ( I will return to genuine ) productions .
27 I only wish I could mention everyone and everything that goes to make up the whole of Christian Aid and its spirit , but be assured that we do not forget any contribution or take anyone 's help for granted .
28 This aims to produce an annual income looking fifty years ahead which must be sufficient to make up the operating deficit .
29 Choose freely from the calorie- and fibre-counted meals on the following pages to make up the remainder of your daily calorie and fibre total .
30 ‘ The county council has to make up the remainder but it has already limited the amount it intends to spend . ’
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