Example sentences of "to make [adv prt] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Cut all the vegetables to make up 4 kebabs .
2 If we start with a set of basic or ‘ simple ’ vowel phonemes , , , , , , it would then be possible to make up long vowels by using vowels twice .
3 It is very easy to make up new words in order to personalise the song .
4 For John Ruskin he designed the Whitelands cross illustrated here , and he commissioned his favourite jewellers , Giuliano and Child & Child , to make up many pieces from his sketches .
5 Burton used to make up affectionate calypsos about Daphne Rye .
6 Behind the diversity of living arrangements which go to make up individual marriages are common themes and dilemmas .
7 Er , on paragraph nine the government 's own figures show that there is a shortfall of glee while the others who have a a social conscience , a and that they 've mixed , the site provision is n't keeping pace with the growth of the number of caravans and yet , what it 's proposing to do in this paper will make the situation worse by removing any incentive erm and any requirement on local authorities actually to provide the sites that are needed to make up that shortfall and it 's quite clear that what this is about is actually what it is happening in housing in general and that is shifting provision from the pri , from the public to the private sector .
8 In the worst possible case , that would slice A$250m off the result for this year , and nobody could have expected him to make up that sort of ground .
9 The rate of weight loss will be influenced not only by the quantity you eat , in terms of calories , but also by which foods you choose to make up that calorie intake .
10 What can I do ? ? — Donations of gifts of food or goodies : gift tokens or donations can be left at the John Paul Centre ( daytime or Knights of St Columba , Southfield Road , ( evenings ) to enable the CAUSE group to make up suitable Christmas Hampers .
11 Gray 's Printing press in Strabane is also open on Saturday ( 2pm-4pm ) to show how text was composed by hand using individual metal letters to make up each word .
12 We have simplified the layout and rationalised the type so that fewer elements are used to make up each page .
13 So do bear those things in mind , because part of today and yesterday has been saying to you , how you can present yourselves to radio and T V in such a way that you 're not only experts in your specific subjects , but you are sufficiently expert in the techniques that go to make up good radio , that people will say , ‘ Let's have so-and-so back again .
14 One hesitates over publicising these things for fear of sparking imitations , but you 're going to read about it somewhere so it might as well be here — over the past few weeks it has become clear that setting up telescopes to watch people tapping their numbers into automatic teller machines and then scavenging for discarded receipts bearing the account number is a really outdated way of defrauding banks and their customers — these days , you set up a bogus teller machine of your own and record the card details as the customer keys in the number : in the latest instance , a gang in Manchester , Connecticut set up a mobile teller machine in the Buckland Hills Mall Associated Press reports , sabotaged the other machines in the shopping mall to encourage people to use it , and later wheeled the machine away and debriefed it on all its card secrets , using the data to make up counterfeit cards which were subsequently used to withdraw cash from the accounts in the New York area ; moral — stick to machines you know .
15 But is England such an oddly deformed place , even if judged in the left 's own terms , especiall if Scotland and Wales are added to make up modern Britain ?
16 Spanish past is to deny many of the elements which go to make up modern Mexico .
17 Drawn to the fact-is-stranger-than-fiction aspects of Spanish history , Gironella found in Veláquez 's portraits a perfect starting point for a detailed investigation of the contradictions which go to make up modern Mexico .
18 The first of the two chapters defines seven elements that go to make up financial statements : assets , liabilities , equity , gains , losses , contributions from owners and distributions to owners .
19 Some of the answers are only now coming to light as we find out more about the structures of the proteins that go to make up living cells themselves .
20 It was the company 's first foreign manufacturing plant , used to make up printed cloth sent over from Wales .
21 After their success in the World Cup , Australian administrators and officials are keen to use the game 's newly acquired high profile to promote rugby back home and to make up lost ground on the other two codes — rugby league and Australian Rules .
22 ‘ Positive discrimination ’ in favour of boys was operated in that context for many years , yet such ‘ discrimination ’ in favour of girls — such as by providing them with extra help in their mathematics , or the opportunity to make up lost ground in CDT — is generally frowned upon .
23 Marine bid to make up lost ground in the HFS League when they take on Gainsborough Trinity at College Road .
24 Though not looking to Christmas to make up lost sales , Amberstone found itself about 15% up , said Sandy Bennet .
25 He is like a runner in the 5000 metres who walks all the way to the bell and then tries to make up lost time by running the last lap like a 100 metre sprint finalist — not a good technique , as you can imagine .
26 A study of a series of great square-headed brooches from southern England , of sixth century date , in which parts of the ornament are interchanged might at first argue for part-models being used to make up varying compound designs .
27 You will initially need enough to make up 150 gallons at S.G. 1.021 .
28 We 're going to make up identical sets of strings , play them , see which we like , and then analyse and compare the sound pictures .
29 She 's had that , she 's had her revenge , it has n't actually caused you any grief , you 'll just have to make up some story for your mother . ’
30 The great temptation , particularly after a good round , is to fly over the last fence and gallop through the finish invariably trying to make up some time over an easy fence .
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