Example sentences of "to make [pron] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Ashamed of having frightened me , he looked at me sweetly and began to sing Italian songs to make me forget the incident ’ .
2 This was enough to make me forget the abstract art of 1912–13 ! ’
3 But they 're apt to make me feel a bit I suppose that 's what they 're for , a bit docile like , you know what I mean ?
4 Well they 've been very direct and they 've been having to make me think a lot about what I 'm doing .
5 I smiled and her eyes smiled back enough to make me think the ice could just possibly melt there under the right circumstances .
6 Old Wilkins used to make me shiver every time 'e touched me . ’
7 ‘ That 's just the sort of thing you would do — to make yourself look big — to make me look a fool .
8 ‘ Oh , I know you wo n't believe me when I tell you that he doctored that fuel blend to make me look a fool , but one of the boys back in London knows ; he 's going to have my work independently checked before Jason gets home ! ’
9 ‘ They used to make me look a fool and leave a bowl outside for me . ’
10 ‘ They used to make me look a fool and leave a bowl outside for me . ’
11 No one 's going to make me buy a postcard with a baby otter on it , or pick up a leaflet on alpine lichens .
12 But even allowing for that trait of nature , the number of occasions on which both Conservatives and Labour politicians have told me they are doing better than the polls say is now large enough to make me sniff the air suspiciously .
13 And in all this , Joseph had learnt that Bligh 's proven and later much copied method of keeping off sickness , especially the scurvy , was to force fruit on his crew : fruit and exercise , for which purpose he carried a fiddler to make them dance every day .
14 It 's just I do n't feel the need to have them round me any more , and I think that suits them and it 's silly to make them pretend the contrary . ’
15 It would be wrong to make them pay the price of justice — although this might nudge us into remembering that innocent wives and children and other dependents are made to suffer when the state imprisons thousands of working-class men for crimes which are often insignificant compared with corporate crimes .
16 She walked down Chestnut Drive , and as she picked a leaf off a privet hedge here , and ran her hand along a row of railings there , she thought that it was not so bad after all , and that she would tell them about it : they always said , when accused of indifference , that they were interested , so she would jolly well try to make them show a bit of their interest .
17 But too much mist obscures the question what it is like to be a chimp for even the best-meaning efforts to make them make the best of meaning .
18 They usually manages to make them last a week and drop them in here on Friday before they go home .
19 The appearance of a hawk-like bird may provide just the encouragement the potential hosts need to make them abandon the nest for a while and take cover elsewhere .
20 ‘ Gravity knew how much harder it had to pull on the keys — to make them hit the ground at the same time as the paper .
21 The idea that something so apparently soft and harmless has pain-inflicting daggers on the ends of the feet is enough to disturb certain infants and to make them distrust the approaches of all felines .
22 Businessmen still referred to the O-level , he said , and it would be difficult to make them understand the new way and ensure all attainment levels , from the beginning of the National Curriculum at the age of seven to the end at 16 , were fair and consistent .
23 One of them asked another if he remembered how the Magistrate Sahib had tried to make them strengthen the embankments and this caused such merriment that one of the landowners almost fell into the water .
24 We 're going to make them fulfil the promises they made three years ago .
25 Once these images must have excited lust — enough to make someone take the trouble to cut them out and stick them up on the wall ; but after a day or two , or a week or two , the pictures had ceased to arouse , they had become familiar — faded and tattered and oil-stained , almost indistinguishable from the dirt and debris of the rest of the factory .
26 It is enough to make you smell a rat and be damned for your cynicism .
27 That 's very much a by the way just to make you feel a little bit
28 Erm jus just to make you feel a little bit more comfortable about it
29 She wants to make you feel the cheapest ever Spryly She-She left the room .
30 The operation itself is usually purely formal , and only just stirs up enough dust to make you cough a little , but it is a sign that you belong to the higher or fit-to-be-dusted classes .
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