Example sentences of "to make [noun] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is logical , therefore , to make provision for a subset of the accumulator array to be used as index registers , instead of providing separate index registers .
2 Here , of course , you will also need to make provision for a bed and clothes storage .
3 He will also be aware that the planning system can now be used to require a developer to make provision for a percentage of homes specifically for young people who can not afford to buy on the open market .
4 The level of contributions had been increased sharply in recent years in order to make provision for a demographic trend whereby in the early part of the 21st century an increased proportion of the total population would be in receipt of retirement benefits at a time when the proportion in work ( and therefore contributing to the funds ) would be reduced .
5 The action in October persuaded the government to make provision for a further 1,100 administrative posts and 3,000 jobs for student teachers in the education budget ( in addition to the 15,000 new education posts including 4,500 teaching jobs already included ) .
6 This legal bond can be severed only through a court of law , and even then the court may insist on one partner continuing to make provision for the other .
7 Normal accounting principles require the company to make provision for the onerous lease , because it is effectively a liability that may have no corresponding economic benefit in the future .
8 To discourage and prevent unjust and criminal practices , and to make provision for the punishment of those who indulge in them , ss. 206–11 of the Insolvency Act 1986 make stringent provisions for company fraud and deception .
9 Mr. Secretary Hunt , supported by Mr. Secretary Heseltine , Mr. David Mellor , Sir Wyn Roberts and Mr. Nicholas Bennett , presented a Bill to provide for the construction by the Cardiff Bay Development Corporation of a barrage across the mouth of Cardiff Bay with an outer harbour and of a tidal lagoon and for related works ; to make provision for the acquisition and use of land for the works ; to make provision about the operation and management of the barrage , the outer harbour , the water impounded by the barrage and the lagoon ; to make provision for dealing with property damage resulting from any alteration of groundwater levels which may occur in consequence of the construction of the barrage ; to enable other protective provisions to be made ; and for connected purposes : And the same was read the First time ; and ordered to be read a Second time tomorrow and to be printed .
10 Mr. Michael Latham presented a Bill to abolish the General Synod of the Church of England , on a date to be appointed ; to provide for the creation of a Church of England Assembly , consisting of a house of all diocesan , suffragan and assistant bishops , and a joint house of clergy and laity , to be directly elected by all Church of England clergy and lay persons on parochial electoral rolls ; to make provision for the Diocese of Sodor and Man ; to empower the Assembly to decide on all appropriate matters , except those within the legal responsibilities of the Church Commissioners , without further reference to Parliament ; to provide for the election of new bishops by members of the house of bishops , saving the right of final approval of the chosen candidate by the Crown ; to abolish the Ecclesiastical Committee ; to abolish the automatic places of bishops in the House of Lords ; to permit ordained clergy of the Church of England , with the consent of a diocesan bishop , to seek election to the House of Commons ; and for connected purposes :
11 On this he was adamant and unswerving , however much his father might extol the supreme chance at Oxford to make contacts for a future career , as yet undefined .
12 The greatest joy was to make camp for the night and savour the smell from the cooks ' fires as supper was prepared .
13 There would be a specific duty on local authorities to make plans for the recycling of waste which must be high on the list of priorities when formulating policy .
14 ( part of Barnardo 's providing support for HIV positive parents who want to make plans for the future care of their children )
15 One example is ‘ Barnardo 's Positive Options ’ which provides confidential and independent information and practical help for parents who want to make plans for the future care of their children .
16 In public , the duke continued to make plans for the coronation of Edward V , still scheduled for 22 June .
17 Here was the woman I wanted to marry , the woman I thought of every day as I looked beyond the cell to make plans for the future .
18 In public , the duke continued to make plans for the coronation of Edward V , still scheduled for 22 June .
19 During the First World War a box of matches cost 1d and a matchbox grip 4d : a price just substantial enough to warrant a ‘ Thank you ’ when given free to a pub or grocer 's store customer , and just substantial enough to make money for a stationer or the many charities which sold them .
20 It required fewer people who could pass the port in the right way , and more people who would have the drive , energy , initiative and sheer guts actually to make money for the shareholders and themselves in a recessionary environment .
21 Organised by the Italian Ministero per i Beni Culturali , the Soprintendenza Archeologica of Pompeii and IBM , the aim of ‘ Rediscovering Pompeii ’ is not to make money for the deplorably underfunded administration of Pompeii itself .
22 Secondly , most of the fancy school fees plans are designed to make money for the financial institutions which put them together , and for the intermediary or agent who sells them .
23 Nevertheless there ought to be some control somewhere and we 're getting back to what I think Richard said was the original idea of some kind of development control that is a popular thing in order to be allowed , people ought to make money for the various charities and so on , we ought to try and prevent er certain unjust practices going on and so on .
24 A deputy of Sproull 's reputation , officiating in the regality court , would be certain to make enemies for the politician who appointed him , and Gorthie strongly advised the duke to get rid of the bailie-depute immediately .
25 Money was required not only for more powerful transmitters but also for the building of regional studio centres to make programmes for the entire country , so that RTD output would not be so Dar es Salaam-orientated .
26 ( 2 ) Before application is made for the grant of a licence under this Part of this Act , draft rules as to the persons entitled to use the canteen shall be prepared for submission with the application , and the licensing board shall refuse to grant the licence unless the body providing the canteen undertake to make rules for the canteen in the form of the draft , with the modifications , if any , required by the licensing board , and not to vary those rules without the consent of the licensing board .
27 Use the spare fondant to make accessories for the whales , if liked , colouring the icing in appropriate shades .
28 Broadly these are to make proposals for a scheme of government for the Province which shall have widespread acceptance within the community and in which the whole community can participate .
29 In February 1961 a summit meeting of the six Common Market governments agreed to create a commission to make proposals for a political union .
30 The Northern Ireland Act 1982 provides for the existing Assembly ( which lacks both legislative and executive powers ) to make proposals for the transfers to the Assembly of legislative and executive powers but such proposals must be such as to be ‘ likely to command widespread acceptance throughout the community ’ and although attempts are currently under way to evolve such proposals , they have not so far met with success .
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