Example sentences of "whether as a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 12 ) he will in making his claim have to bring into account any money already received — whether as a deposit or merely as a part payment .
2 ( 2 ) On an allotted day no debate shall be permitted on any Motion to recommit the Bill ( whether as a whole or otherwise ) , and Mr. Speaker shall put forthwith any Question necessary to dispose of the Motion , including the Question on any amendment moved to the Question .
3 I do not yet know in what form this particular section will be published , whether as a foreword or as an interpolation into the body of my work , but I can begin to see that even here I can make something triumphant out of necessity .
4 In addition , many local people , regarding the environment as something to be exploited in order to make a living whether as a farmer or as a fisherman , had little sympathy for the idea of landscape protection or conservation .
5 At the end of that time ‘ he qualified himself for practising whether as a physician or a surgeon ’ , and returned to Bedfordshire where , ‘ with the consent of the Clergy and the local practitioners , he attended the destitute poor ’ .
6 Aethelberht had evidently been left as king among the East Angles but whether as a regulus or subregulus is unknown in the absence of East Anglian charters .
7 ( 2 ) Whether the right to free speech , whether as a right at common law , or under article 10 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms ( 1953 ) ( Cmd. 8969 ) , led to a different result in the case of a non-trading corporation which was also a public authority .
8 Urquhart widened his eyes slightly , whether as a gesture of surprise or warning — since the waiter came up behind her just then and was about to remove their dirty plates — she could not be sure .
9 Causation in fact deals with the question of whether as a matter of fact the damage was caused by the breach of duty .
10 But it is equally concerned with the usage of electronic text as an end in itself , whether as a research database or a component in non-paper publications .
11 If you are a creature that needs to locate things rapidly in a three-dimensional world , whether as a hunter or for other purposes , binocular vision or ‘ binocular sonar ’ are essential .
12 Whether as a result of this criticism or not , in the year after Chernobyl the amount allocated to public relations and publicity by the CEGB almost doubled — from £6.3 million to £12.4 million .
13 The traumatic effects of resettlement , whether as a result of dam projects or a state-sponsored attempt to relieve population pressure , often reduce the ability of the settlers to adapt satisfactorily to their new environment .
14 ( c ) She had developed a severe pneumonia and , whether as a result of the accident or the pneumonia or both , was in severe pain .
15 With the ANLT system these sentences had achieved very poor results whether as a result of the grammatical construction being absent from the grammar or through computational failure of the system .
16 For the purchaser , it is important to consider whether as a result of the assignment the purchaser will be able to enforce the benefit of the contract directly against the supplier or whether such benefit can only be enforced with the co-operation of the vendor .
17 But while some of these cases are of this simple kind , others are more directly involved with modern market conditions , whether as a form of investment or as a form of prestige advertising .
18 Moreover , moving from the official to the private level , there was a significant and regular cross-border movement of ordinary individuals , if only because of the existence in both countries of Shiite Holy Places — in particular , Qom and Mashhad in Iran , Najaf and Karbala in Iraq — which attracted visitors , whether as a form of pilgrimage or to bury their dead .
19 In other academic areas it is assumed that the teacher knows more than the student , and is there to convey this knowledge , whether as a corpus or a skill .
20 They have subject limited statutory duties in the insurance companies act , but the fact they 're subjected to duties in the same way that the underwriters , the underwriters are subject to duties does not make them regulators , but in any event even if we were wrong on that there is no exemption under article eighty five , one for regulators and , and your Lordship has seen a number of cases and I sha n't go back to them is fully subject to the competition rules whether as a regulator or not .
21 ‘ I would encourage every woman running a Merseyside-based business , whether as a director or a manager , to enter this year 's award and get the recognition they deserve . ’
22 Both composers seek to create a sense of ‘ objectivity ’ in their evocations of nature , whether as a record of topographical outline ( Mason ) , or a mimesis of geological deep-structures and seismic motion ( Birtwistle ) .
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