Example sentences of "whether [art] [noun sg] ['s] " in BNC.

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1 The essential question is whether the court 's discretion to require an undertaking in damages in law enforcement actions is confined to cases in which the Crown is plaintiff , or should be held to apply to other public authorities exercising the function of law enforcement in the circumstances specified in the Hoffmann-La Roche case .
2 He went on to consider , however , whether the court 's jurisdiction over the question whether the housing authority had provided was only supervisory , or could be challenged in private law proceedings .
3 Whether the court 's approach in cases such as Bjorlow would also be adopted even if the employee made use of or disclosed business secrets during employment has not been determined : in Bjorlow , the defendant made use of the information only after he had left .
4 Whether the saint 's labours give Assisi its special feel , or the special feel inspired the saint — we 'll leave you to decide .
5 The hospital case notes of all referred patients were reviewed in detail , and the following information noted : ( 1 ) the referring Hospital ; ( 2 ) the referring clinical discipline ; ( 3 ) the patient 's symptoms and ‘ working ’ diagnosis ; ( 4 ) whether the clinician 's notes , before the gastric emptying study , indicated a prediction of abnormally rapid or abnormally slow gastric emptying ; ( 5 ) the influence of the result of the gastric emptying study upon the subsequent clinical management .
6 One can reasonably doubt whether the government 's White Paper ( 1989 ) policies will resolve this problem .
7 The first issue concerned whether the government 's new-found commitment to community economic development actually represented an attempt by the government to shift responsibility for the structural problems being experienced in so-called deprived communities onto members of these communities .
8 On the basis of what the Minister says , we will learn whether the Government 's thinking has advanced .
9 The key question is whether the Government 's policy will lead to an increase in unemployment or tend to reduce it .
10 Whether the aristocracy 's rule should take monarchic or republican forms was a matter of some contention .
11 The operations will be carried out so that it is possible to find out how much the order will cost , whether the product is in stock , and whether the customer 's credit limit is OK .
12 A Swedish researcher , Malte Andersson , performed an ingenious experiment to see whether the male 's tail had evolved because females showed a sexual preference for long-tailed males .
13 That is , the generality of the depression will depend on whether the person 's helpless views extend to all areas of his life ; the length of the depression will depend on how stable his helpless attitudes have become ; and self-esteem will be lowered if the person has internalised his helpless attitudes and sees himself as a failure .
14 The draftsman should consider this question as well as whether the landlord 's cash flow position would be appreciably helped by the payment of a proportion of premiums exacted by the headtenant .
15 But surely someone at AT&T is beginning to question whether the company 's grand deal with the unions will lead to more co-operation from its employees , or less .
16 In preparing this report they must carry out such investigations as will enable them to form an opinion on ( a ) whether proper accounting records have been kept by the company and whether proper returns adequate for their audit have been received from branches which they have not visited and ( b ) whether the company 's individual accounts are in agreement with the accounting records and returns .
17 In preparing their report , the auditors are required ( by section 237 ) to carry out such investigations as will enable them to form an opinion as to whether proper accounting records have been kept by the company and whether the company 's balance sheet and ( if not consolidated ) its profit and loss account are in agreement with the accounting records and returns .
18 This is a choice between two types of reading , in that one can choose between them on the basis of whether the novel 's contradictions are to be articulated and sustained in the act of reading ( " rhetorically aware " ) or suppressed by the reading ( " aesthetically responsive " ) .
19 And this difference between them and such initially sympathetic Englishmen as Hewlett and Newbolt went very deep ; for ultimately it meant that , when the question arose whether the artist 's first responsibility was to his art ( his trade ) or to his society , Pound and Lewis and Ford would opt for the first alternative , Hewlett and Newbolt for the second — as indeed we soon see them doing when both of them answer the call of First World War patriotism by writing moralebuilding poems and stories .
20 Last July , after months of furious debate over whether the artist 's wishes were being respected , Picasso 's ‘ Guernica ’ was removed at dawn from the Prado 's annexe , El Cason del Buen Retiro .
21 But observers question whether the board 's taciturn general manager , Laurence Peterken , was not the man in the driving seat .
22 Whether the king 's subjects were patriotic or not was , for the king , of marginal significance .
23 I hope that this debate will be about the valuable contribution that Britain can make to the European community , rather than a sterile argument about whether the king 's prerogatives will be taken over by the Government and given away in the face of the people .
24 I ask , when the wife died intestate and her estate was to pass on intestacy to her brother , whether the sister 's sons can claim a trust from him .
25 The agreed ratio will reflect a number of considerations , such as : ( a ) the age and experience of each partner ; ( b ) the amount of time a partner is required to devote to the firm ; ( c ) the nature of each partner 's work ( legal aid or private , fee earning only or including a generous proportion of remuneration for office and appointments held ) ; ( d ) the extent to which the profits of separate departments within the firm differ substantially from one another ; ( e ) whether the firm 's policy tends to equality of reward ( and equality would be imposed under the Partnership Act in the absence of some other agreed ratio ) or whether , for example , it attempts to relate profit shares to salaries in comparable employments .
26 We must check to see whether the lady 's slipper survived the winter — only six species of orchids have been seen this year .
27 It would be nice to know who these nobles were ; or even to know whether the chronicler 's choice of phrase was due to ignorance or a desire for brevity or for the sake of discretion .
28 Portfolio owners can also check whether the machine 's five resident applications — calculator , diary , address book , text editor and spreadsheet — can challenge the current contents of their inside pocket , including those old-fashioned paper diary and address books .
29 It would not be clear whether the child 's low performance was associated with poor linguistic ability in relation to British children , or whether it simply reflected the different experiences available to children in Britain and the USA .
30 the emotional environment at home to determine whether the child 's behaviour is a reflection of the tension and distress in the family .
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