Example sentences of "used [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 No such effect of pertussis toxin on the inhibitory action of TPA was observed when histamine was used to stimulate the cyclic AMP content of HGT-1 cells ( Table II ) .
2 It is used to stimulate the white blood cells .
3 Saltpetre , or potassium nitrate , is a preserving salt usually available only at a chemist 's or pharmacy and is most commonly used to preserve the pink colour of pickled or salt beef .
4 Each contained around 100lb of Semtex high explosive , five times as much as was used to demolish the Grand Hotel , Brighton , during the 1984 Conservative conference and 40 times the size of an average car bomb .
5 Those who argue for a ‘ carer 's benefit ’ need to ponder this point and consider ways in which such allowances could be used to support the existing arrangements in a household in which carers are in employment and wish to continue .
6 An IBM 30335 processor is used to support the main company database systems , including the Payroll/Personnel system , operating IMS under MVS .
7 RENFE received compensation for some political prices , such as those used to support the Asturian coal mining industry .
8 The cash will be used to support the newly-opened Tokyo office .
9 This was indicated by the dispatch of British warships to the region , the construction of a major base on Diego Garcia , and the desire of the British cabinet ‘ to set up its own rapid deployment corps , which will be used to support the convenient regimes in that region and suppress the national liberation movements there ’ .
10 The feature close would have the value + for , , , , and we could also use this for and if we adopt the convention that most of the features will be used to classify the first part of the diphthongs .
11 That deprives Japanese of the space that , in other rich countries , would be used to accommodate the domestic fantasies whose purchase occupies the weekends and disposes of the earnings of workers .
12 The RNA tumour viruses have been studied extensively , and have been used to carry the human adenosine deaminase gene successfully into children with severe combined immunodeficiency .
13 As with the other two methods of entry , the updated file is used to re-define the graphical functions and the spatial views .
14 For example , PCR has been used to confirm the persistent faecal shedding of HIV in children with HIV associated diarrhoea .
15 Thus all M-H stretching frequencies decrease by several hundreds of cm -1 , and this can be used to confirm the group-frequency assignment of such modes , and also to remove M-H bands from regions where they may hide other bands .
16 χ 2 test was used to compare the pathological features of the idex polyps in relapsing patients with those of patients in whom recurrence was not observed .
17 Where normality for each group separately was found to be appropriate by using probability plots a two sample t test was used to compare the mean values of each variable of interest between the regulated and random groups .
18 The unpaired t test was used to compare the mean levels of diabetic control in two groups by means of a two sided test .
19 One way analysis of variance was used to compare the mean levels of diabetic control in three or more groups .
20 A deprivation score was used to compare the relative deprivation or affluence of rural and urban areas .
21 Analysis of variance was used to compare the ten junctions for each judgment task averaging each subject 's responses for the three exemplars of each junction .
22 SynOptics Communications Inc has announced an order from the Unipart Group of Companies for its System 3000 intelligent hubs , which will be used to spearhead the latter 's migration from IBM Corp mainframe systems to personal computer local networks : the order comes via network integrator Harris Adacom , and comprises seven System 3000 hubs which will be used to run Token Ring and Ethernet ; the total contract is worth £250,000 , and SynOptics says it won the order ahead of competition from Cabletron and IBM .
23 Dessie was used to promote the first Sunday meeting at Doncaster last month along with Red Rum .
24 One of the lumens was used to drain the gastric contents by siphonage .
25 Both tasks were designed to assess children 's ability to respond to some of the linguistic cues which can be used to signal the deductive/ empirical distinction .
26 It also involves understanding the linguistic cues ( deductive markers ) which can be used to signal the empirical/deductive distinction .
27 The table can be used to estimate the average proportion of days which , in the long term and if these probabilities are representative , will be foggy or clear .
28 They argue that the techniques used to estimate the current and future supply of housing land are flawed and that the industry 's main motive is speculative profit .
29 Forms of analysis somewhat similar to those above were used to estimate the net gains .
30 In this form the ratio of the share price decline to the size of the dividend may be used to estimate the personal income tax of the investor given a rate of capital gains tax .
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