Example sentences of "used [adv] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Previously , ‘ nearest-neighbour ’ parameters for the ten possible unique combinations of base pair stacking interactions [ 7 ] have been used successfully to predict the stability and melting temperatures of RNA duplexes of known composition .
2 As schools become more practised and expert at constructing and implementing them , they should guarantee that the resources available to the school are used effectively to increase the range of opportunities and the quality of education for the pupil population .
3 Many problems which arise from such trades are caused by ‘ bad housekeeping ’ , used figuratively to describe the way in which some businesses carelessly handle and store raw materials such as slaughterhouse waste .
4 ‘ The terrorist group included a youth of about fifteen with bleached hair and it is thought that glimpses of this boy were used skilfully to support the terrorists ' claims .
5 This is used widely to determine the functional state of the brain , but is difficult to relate to the operations of different areas .
6 It is relevant , however , that their proportions in the populations were used only to rank the sectors ( that is , for internal comparison ) .
7 Washington had previously stated that the 12,000 American troops in Panama would be used only to defend the Canal and themselves .
8 If it is used only to improve the pupil-teacher ratio within special schools then its value is limited .
9 Ateliers et Chantiers de Bretagne hopes Trax will not , however , be used only to ease the lot of weary car , rail and subway passengers .
10 During the last war these bells were silent on government orders to be used only to warn the village of a German invasion .
11 Middle class observers often complained that the parlour remained a showpiece in the respectable working class home , used only to house the piano and the aspidistra .
12 The simple grid described above is used merely to exemplify the method which , with computer analysis of the data and a use of rank ordering or numerical scaling of the judgments , is able to reach a higher level of sophistication .
13 Can he therefore confirm that either the Secretary of State has breached the security rules or that the excuse of national security has been used merely to cover the fact that the Government made the decisions on political rather than on military grounds ?
14 If our oil revenues are used merely to pay the unemployed , who now cost an estimated £18,000 million each year , the burden to those in work will suddenly increase by this amount when the oil revenues cease .
15 The concept of the testator 's intention is used merely to establish the likely meaning attached by him to the words , and this is a technique applied as much in civil-law dispositions as in trusts .
16 A hopper boat is used alongside to catch the dredgings .
17 The brakes can be used fiercely to minimise the roll , but we let aerodynamic drag do most of the work , leaving them to slow us to taxi speed and steer onto the taxiway ( still ineffectually prodding the rudder pedals ) .
18 Commonality tactics are frequently used unconsciously to lower the other person 's status .
19 In many places it is being used just to overthrow the nomenklatura and there are even cases where new careerists just use Civic Forum to win positions for themselves .
20 It may be used just to give the researcher a feel for what is being studied ; as a resource to back up or complement evidence produced from other sources ; or as evidence in itself , as the topic of the research .
21 Though game theory has been criticised , we believe it can be helpful if used critically to explore the possible structure of conflicts , rather than to search for neat but probably illusory ‘ answers ’ .
22 If the mens rea principle and the principle of proof are objectives worthy of a rational and humane system of criminal law they ought to be used critically to assess the achievement of the total system rather than circularly to select an acceptable portion of the criminal law .
23 He explains that an Englishman he knew at Czech radio used always to get the usual toast na zdrave ( health ) wrong , confusing it with nadraži , meaning ‘ railway station ’ .
24 Now if the output of pin 9 of IC2 is used directly to trigger the VCO , then the scoring sequence will be set into action even if pin 9 is passed in the normal wicket sequence .
25 So , too , the feeling that life was becoming ‘ Americanised ’ has been used unsparingly to describe the process of ‘ permissive ’ rot and the collapse of traditional authority — most forcibly registered in the adoption of the term ‘ mugging ’ to disown as ‘ un-British ’ the old-fashioned crime of street robbery .
26 The following edited transcript of spontaneous speech by an 8 year old boy shows and being used extensively to hold the narrative together :
27 This procedure has been used extensively to analyse the CAAT repeat region from several different lic loci derived from a variety of H.influenzae strains and has proved to be highly reproducible .
28 Since the quarrel which put the kingdoms of France and England at odds with each other was based upon historical differences , it was only reasonable that history should also have been used both to emphasise the differences between them , and to allow each to show itself how its own history and its own characteristics had developed .
29 In a country where public education is sketchy , it is a double tragedy that TV air time is not used both to teach the three ‘ R's and supplement the four hours per day schooling .
30 The reforms which might be expected from this theoretical starting-point are moves towards market mechanisms or some surrogate for them which can be used both to influence the behaviour of bureaucrats by giving them a different set of incentives , and to increase the range of choice available to the consumers of public — in this case particularly local government — services .
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