Example sentences of "to do at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The plain fact is , if a PC does what you want it to do at a speed you 're happy with , then its performance is perfectly acceptable .
2 Maynard was 13–1 up after five ends and 18–4 in front after eight , but his opposite number pulled back with two four counts to leave Reading with a job to do at the finish .
3 This is all she has to do at the beginning of the week .
4 I found myself questioning many of their beliefs in a way that I would not have dared to do at the beginning of the study ; I could question them in their own terms and in doing so , test the boundaries of their beliefs .
5 I 'm absolutely delighted that we achieved what we set out to do at the beginning of the week , which was to ensure that the Ryder Cup stayed on this side of the Atlantic .
6 That of course is exactly what Akhenaten tried to do at the beginning another example the return of the repressed its original religious intolerance .
7 Mm No that 's er making me jolly cross , not like myself I do n't do anything like , not as much as I used to do at the hall , I mean I used to do a lot as you know , but I , I know how much you have done , but nobody else knows
8 That is the basis of the famous " niche " strategy which means that you secure for yourself a useful market by doing something which the big boys find uneconomical to do at the price you can manage .
9 That fact that in , a two years time I can go on to do the subjects that I want to do at the University in Scotland of my choice .
10 Managing nicely seemed an odd thing to do at the north end of the Reach .
11 ‘ No you 're not , there 's far too much for you to do at the farm . ’
12 what we used to do at the gym ?
13 Why , I 'm going to do what I set out to do at the start — I 'm going to make sure that bastard marries you ! ’
14 The players , who already knew the value of the advertising dollar , were endlessly pumped onto the television advertisements ( most of them in soft focus ) as they mouthed clichés and manufactured statements about what they hoped to do at the World Cup .
15 We may defensively claim that it was the right thing to do at the time .
16 ‘ There was n't anything to do at the time .
17 I picked out a selection , deciding on even numbers only because it seemed like a sensible thing to do at the time .
18 It was a reasonable thing to do at the time as the fund was in surplus .
19 An aim can be taken to be a statement of intent on the part of the teacher , usually expressed in general terms , whilst an objective is a statement describing in specific terms what the student is expected to do at the end of a course of learning experience .
20 Ask what do I expect the nurses to do at the end of the workshop .
21 Which is why you s when you set it up , you 've got to say , Well what are people going to do at the end of the workshop , that demonstrates that they 've learnt something from it ?
22 What 're you going to do at the end of the week ?
23 Cos if you were asked as , as , as a person by , by a manager or by somebody else to , to actually do the training , then it 's your responsibility is n't it you 've been asked , you 've been given that task and it 's your responsibility to ensure that people are able to do at the end of the session something effectively .
24 The Institute seems to be rather vaguely organized , as they still have n't been able to tell me what students I am teaching — my teaching , it turns out , does n't start until Monday , but I have heard that an abnormally large number of students have signed up for my course , so I shall have a lot of marking of papers to do at the end of four weeks .
25 There is still a lot of work to do at the Training Centre . ’
26 All I 'm trying to do at the moment is to sort of get
27 Well that 's what they 're trying to do at the moment by measuring rates of turnover of deep to surface waters
28 The difference between tactics and strategy " is that tactics covers what you need to do at the moment and strategy provides the broad guidelines that determine over-all direction .
29 My tired brain is trying to work out a response which it 's failing to do at the moment .
30 I 'm saying the next appointment to be made is all by , a complaint examiner , what I should n't have thought we wanted to do at the moment more than one .
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