Example sentences of "to do the [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In turn , this is likely to produce a commitment from her to do the utmost to meet her obligations to the job .
2 erm , I have n't , I was gon na go and , I tried phoning Lorne one time I was going through to Glasgow just to see if I could , can I have a , can I have a pint with him or something , erm , just to chew it over cos he suggested you know he 'd made various helpful suggestions , in the meantime I did n't manage to meet him , but in the meantime I did manage to speak to my father-in-law who has a camcorder and er he will be more than happy to erm , he 's also got editing equipment , he would be more than happy you know , to do the home made video that we 've talked about , I need to talk to him about this because the obvious place to do will be the Lyceum on one of your shows
3 You 'll have to do the talking to find out what he wants and lead him to make a purchase .
4 Stepping into the lift , Wexford decided to do the London checking himself .
5 Clare 's going to do the green box .
6 They were actually my first choice to do the Stooges cover ( new jazz wacko John Zorn eventually thrashing through ‘ TV Eye ’ ) , but they must have thought that was too predictable .
7 They were actually my first choice to do the Stooges cover ( new jazz wacko John Zorn eventually thrashing through ‘ TV Eye ’ ) , but they must have thought that was too predictable .
8 She was walking up the Mound to do the lunch shift at the Right and Wrong .
9 ‘ TVB hereby grants to [ the taxpayer ] , which accepts , the sole and exclusive right outside Hong Kong and the non-exclusive right in Hong Kong throughout the life of this agreement and upon the terms and conditions of parts 2 and 3 hereof : ( a ) to copy , adapt , and cause to be seen and heard in public ( otherwise than by means of wireless or cable TV transmissions in Hong Kong ) all TVB films , ( b ) to exploit all derivative rights in TVB films ( excluding the hotchpot programmes ) and ( c ) to grant sub-licences to others to do the acts set out in paragraphs ( a ) and ( b ) above for periods not exceeding five years unless TVB 's prior written consent . …
10 However , the covenant will only protect the tenant from interruptions by the landlord and persons claiming under or in trust for it ; therefore covering successors in title or persons having authority from the landlord to do the acts complained of , but not covering the acts of a superior landlord or a predecessor in title of the landlord .
11 what used to do the sprouts did n't I ?
12 For senior posts it can be instructive to do the opposite to see how far the candidate can cope with the stress .
13 To do the Inlay shot required mixing film footage of the city with live action of the Doctor 's party .
14 You 've tried to do the man said , tried to face up to things , the things that we all know trigger you off .
15 I did show Sarah how to do the backspace to delete , when she made a mistake , instead of
16 Mr Cranley ( of IBM ) asked the drillers who were subcontracted to do the work to commence drilling , but they refused .
17 To do the work requires an enormous amount of effort beavering away among old records , checking , copying and encoding .
18 It was argued that this was needed to allow the husband to do the field work as quickly as possible and so release him for more off-farm employment .
19 You asked me to do the Wigan archiving
20 What the layman is supposed to do the authors do not wish to contemplate . ’
21 He argues that over the last century or so the number of white-collar jobs has increased rapidly , but at the same time the skill required to do the jobs has been reduced .
22 The ones appointed to do the job had never been very good at it , but he had heard a rumour that Horemheb was training a secret corps of police , answering to him alone but set up in the pharaoh 's name and in the interests of national security .
23 Further , although after the initial period the prosecutor may direct police investigation , it is doubtful that prosecutors will have the time or expertise to give more than general directions , thus leaving the police to do the job according to their lights .
24 The language tutors we have had on our courses were certainly not always given sufficient help to do the job asked of them , and as Language Enhancement Coordinator , I take my share of responsibility for this .
25 It can be argued that for a second chamber , whose main functions are the consideration of less controversial Bills and the revision of other Bills from the other place without , however , power finally to frustrate the will of the democratically-elected chamber , ( as is now the case with the House of Lords , see below , pp.98–9 ) the fact that it is undemocratic matters little , provided that it is competent to do the job expected of it .
26 To do the task requires X amount of pounds , but you 've only got X minus something .
27 To do the egg trick you need a pint glass , a square biscuit tin lid , a matchbox , a stout shoe , an egg , and a large Scotch .
28 But er she does n't go to do the tapping does she ?
29 The large launches sent out to do the repairs cost £300 per hour to run and sometimes they have to do a couple of days steaming to attend . ’
30 This puts enormous pressures on staff , who do n't always have enough time to do the stock checking .
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