Example sentences of "to do [adj] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Once you manage to do that the relief is enormous .
2 It 's even been suggested by American art critics with nothing better to do that the hound himself is the gifted genius of the outfit , and Wegman merely an adoring sycophant .
3 While programmers have not been able to do that the results they have achieved suggest that this may not be such a good idea .
4 After the meeting there would be so much to do that the time would Pass quickly .
5 To do this the distance on the graph from X to each of the three points ( water , grassland and pine forest ) is calculated using Pythagoras 's theorem , and pixel X is allocated to the class for which this distance is the shortest .
6 To do this the badgers are trapped , then killed , before being tested back in a laboratory .
7 To do this the procedure refAndWgt is called .
8 To do this the bureaucracy had to be a ‘ closed society within the state ’ , simply yet another closed and hierarchical corporation with its own particularistic interests .
9 To do this the scale and scope of the development programme will need to go well beyond traditional means of spreading good practice within the NHS .
10 But to be able to do this the contractors needed to gain admission to the Russia Company and Gould played his part in the attack on the company .
11 In order to do this the factors influencing the scores must be chosen , identified with one of the two axes and judgements made on their order of importance .
12 Of course , it was necessary to come to a decision at some point , and to do this the system relied primarily on the acoustic probability scores attached to each labelling .
13 ‘ The public want to see the courts pass sentences that are just and to do this the courts must use the powers this Government has given them .
14 If you neglect to do this the chances are you will come away from the meeting having failed to raise several of the topics you wanted to deal with .
15 To do this the phone is recommended rather than the post .
16 To do this the Germans had divided the Verdun front into a number of very small sectors , each of which was to be patrolled twenty-four hours a day by two planes .
17 To do this the head needs to lead the staff to address four issues in practical , original ways : ‘ continuity ’ , ‘ balance ’ , ‘ subject specialism or integration ’ , and ‘ assessment ’ .
18 To do this the focus will be on the following areas :
19 Moreoever , even if one were to do this the fact of setting up the control and the experimental groups could well introduce a note of artificiality into the experiment .
20 By the time he had worked out how to do this the riot had increased , and he was forced to fling open the door .
21 To do this the Commission must have regard to barriers to entry likely to deter new market entrants and to whether a result of the merger is likely to be a significant raising of those barriers .
22 To do this the study will analyse data from a project undertaken by the Policy Planning Research Unit of the Department of Finance in Northern Ireland which has followed a random sample of some 3,000 young people eligible to leave school in Northern ireland in 1984 and who have been re- interviewed annually until 1987 .
23 To do this the trainer must have a coherent model of the form of the skill , this is attained by skills analysis .
24 But to do this the bank really does need to be very steep and , being a slightly hit-or-miss approach , is one more suitable to match-play than stroke-play .
25 For this reason the authorities prefer to control the demand for money , and to do this the Bank of England , as lender of the last resort , alters its lending rate to the discount houses .
26 You get up Christmas day morning to do all the breakfast with the screaming kids .
27 One head said : ‘ Careers officers and pupils have to do all the work
28 He reckons he 's having to do all the work , write all the songs .
29 ‘ Men should not be found in sufficient numbers to do all the work there is to be done , and wages would rise as they should do ! ’
30 Fig 10 When raising the rig it is important to keep the back straight and use the strongest muscles in your body , the leg muscles , to do all the work .
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