Example sentences of "to do [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Stuart Bray , Chairman of the Standard 4 Locomotive Group stated that there was still a number of small jobs to do during the winter including completion of the lining locomotive .
2 New divorce legislation reported on Dec. 9 was said to grant unprecedented rights to women , allowing divorcees to seek compensation through the courts for housework which husbands had ordered them to do during the marriage .
3 Maggie had so little to do during the day that she spent much of the time chatting and gossiping with Rose .
4 For the mother of toddlers or babies , you may have plenty to do during the day but your mind needs stimulating too .
5 So the time for meals should be determined by when people get up , when they go to bed and other things that they want to do during the day . ’
6 Okay erm now have you got any work to do during the holiday any homework
7 Knowing the ages of the children is also crucial in quickly planning toys and activities for them to do during the session .
8 What to do during the flight
9 A good Home will help its residents to keep as fit as they can and will offer plenty of different things to do during the week .
10 Duty sheets ( basic tasks to do during the morning or on afternoon shift )
11 ‘ Trouble Fish ’ , with its strutting Stray Cat bass riff , sees the student body collapsing on to their bums , feet airborne for the traditional anti-gravity dance bit : char hit ‘ Veronica ’ , where Niall gets to show off his ability on the mouth organ , sets every man-jack scruffy co-ed in the house moshing like fury , which they continue to do through the Tim Curry vocals of ‘ Teenage Vampire ’ and the rollicking romps of ‘ Stupid Kid ’ , ‘ I Am I Said ’ and ‘ No More Nonsense From Sidney ’ .
12 As advanced amateur gardeners , they would , whilst they waited , offer unsolicited advice on the station gardens , tended lovingly by an abundant uniformed staff with little to do between the rush hours .
13 that is , that is what , that is what exists to do , or one of the things that exists to do as the U K sales company our business is to give the projections for a particular piece of business , and if we see any other similar bits of business around it that 's fine , that 's , that needs to be added to it , but to give our vision of that particular piece of business , feed that into the marketing people in , and say , look , this is the situation if we go this way , this is what we think is going to happen , if we do this , this is going to happen , if we do n't do this , this is what 's going to happen , so that that can be fed into an overall picture , and they will come back , I presume , and say , right , we now have enough information to know that it 's going to be worth =vesting , investing in production of sixteen double O fours in er Peter .
14 It is what Mr Kinnock is prepared to do as the price for power .
15 Overall that would be the right thing to do as the story of Rosandra , a model who gets caught up in three ponderous political intrigues , is very laboured indeed .
16 He engaged them with zest , stretching and testing them like a martial artist , to catalyse their own divine spark — just as he was later to do as the teacher , John Keating , in Dead Poets Society .
17 They 'll usually tell me what 's wrong — and them I have to decide what to do about the problem . ’
18 We 've got a problem now , w we have to try and s split that between our problems here in the city and what will happen in the future and what the government will intend to do about the problem .
19 Ross had , in fact , been quite right — and what she was going to do about the problem , she simply had no idea .
20 ‘ But the question they are not answering is what are we going to do about the NHS .
21 No sir , my job was then to pass over to Mr who made the ultimate decision as to what to do about the incident .
22 Does n't she owe it to this house and to the people before they vote on Thursday , to give a straight answer to a straight question : what precisely is she going to do about the Poll Tax ?
23 What to do about the crown of thorns
24 ‘ I still did n't know what to do about the voice .
25 ‘ Can you tell us what you 're planning to do about the fall .. ? ’
26 CATHERINE What are you going to do about the money ?
27 Clearly the biggest problem was what to do about the tour , scheduled to leave Oxford at 9.30 a.m. bound for Stratford-upon-Avon .
28 Anything else Now , just before we all er disappear , can I just quickly check what we want to do about the departure .
29 The chairs were austere , upholstered in matching , ugly green velvet ; she was uncomfortable , and scarcely knew what to do about the performance tonight .
30 Nothing has been said so far about precise content , for example , which world religions should be included , or whether the focus should be mainly on Christianity , how far non-religious stances such as Humanism should feature in RE , or what to do about the occult , and so forth .
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