Example sentences of "although [prep] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Gradually they learn to discriminate , although for some time they can not determine what is influencing the mother 's movements towards or away from them .
2 In the period February 21st-26th , the French losses amounted to 25,000 men , and , although during that time the ratio of French and German casualties was reliably estimated at three to one , by the 29th German losses had already passed the 25,000 mark .
3 The outlook is not entirely bleak and it is reckoned that of those who enrol at a clinic , for whatever reason , about 40 per cent will be drug-free within ten years , although within that time , too , 15 per cent of opiate addicts may well be dead .
4 Getting to the Health Centre was a tedious business involving a bus and a clanking ride for a few stops on the underground and Erika was glad to find her way to it , jammed among the usual blocks of flats , although at that time of night they had rather a festive air with every window lighted .
5 While in hospital I had mentioned to my surgeon that I intended to go to the Bristol Cancer Help Centre , although at that time I had not actually made up my mind .
6 ‘ The Famous Grouse sponsored Scotland 's tour to New Zealand in 1990 and through that Matthew Gloag and Son Limited learned a lot about rugby and rugby sponsorship , although at that time no suitable rugby sponsorship of world standing was available .
7 Although at that time the Unix PC was the most successful Unix product ever , by May 1986 ( UX No 79 ) , AT&T was struggling to market thousands of the things held in stock — it had wanted to sell a million of them — and had co-opted Convergent on to the job too .
8 Duchamp-Villon , although at that time not personally in touch with the group , was on the committee of the Salon d'Automne of 1911 and together with La Fresnaye , Desvallières and one or two others , was largely responsible for persuading the hostile jury to include the paintings submitted by the Cubists .
9 Now in the old we had er quite a reasonable scheme on this actual erm but you see , about ten years ago I think it was , there was another estate built on to , it 's called and although at that time we made the strongest possible representation for improvements and traffic calming in which is the only road that goes in and nothing was done .
10 At , for example , the site of San Antonio on the Hondo River to the east of Pulltrouser Swamp it seems the platforms are natural formations , although at one time Maya farmers grew crops on them .
11 Burton started a Welsh male voice choir — ‘ although at one time there were only two Welshmen in the camp ’ — and at one stage , up at Docking in Norfolk , he seems to have done everything but declare the place an independent colony .
12 Markets are not inanimate objects or systems , although at one time it was fashionable to regard them as being so .
13 Although at one time it was considered relevant only to study child language when words appeared , we are now able to consider language development as a continuous process from birth .
14 The second reserve we visited was inland , although at one time the impressive limestone cliffs fringing the Hervey Nature Reserve had been coastal and some of the plants found here today reflect this marine ancestry .
15 Barbara Markusen , a noted author on library networking , has commented that although at one time the public library was the largest source of books and research materials in most cities , this is no longer the case .
16 ( See the earliest drawing ) , was unsatisfactory , so in September 1908 a trial tee was constructed somewhere near what is now the ladies ' winter tee on the 16th , the 17th green being more or less as we know today , although at this time a twin green with the first .
17 ‘ The Old Pretender ’ , as he is commonly known , although at this time still only 19 , was a tall , dark figure , said to resemble Charles II in appearance , though not in character , for he was cold , reserved and prematurely pious , carrying candles in religious processions .
18 Although at this time of year , before the monsoon , the water is at its lowest , it was nevertheless chest-deep in places and fast-flowing — turquoise and white where it swirled around boulders near the edge , dark green in the broad sweep of the central canal .
19 Healthy , lustrous hair will complement any cut , although at this time of year it may become rather depressed after the exhausting effects of the sun and sea .
20 The evaluators found no evidence of systematic inservice activities to follow up the project in the school itself , although at this time of industrial action such events were conspicuous by their absence in all the schools studied .
21 He played no part in the newly founded Royal Society or the College of Physicians , although at this time he began to describe himself as an ‘ MD ’ .
22 President , congress Neil , page one three four you say in your report and I quote , Sadly , T U P E does not cover pensions , although at this time there is some grey area .
23 Jacobitism became attractive to a variety of different groups in the 1690s , including commonwealth Whigs , although at this time it still had little support in society at large .
24 Lane accepted it without comment , although at another time he might have pressed for more of an answer ; he was n't a man who liked to be kept in the dark .
25 Although by that time an elected parliament had become an influential factor in politics , the arbiter of social status remained the court , with its officialdom of ministers , chamberlains , masters of ceremonies — all nobles and mostly descendants of the oldest families .
26 So we called round but could n't find a record company , although by this time he was with RCA .
27 Brownie Owl did n't say a word about Penny 's encounter with the farmer , although by this time , of course , she 'd heard all about it — from both sides .
28 He grew very portly as an old man and although by this time he had become something of a legend to the other members of his club ( " The Hero of Krishnapur " ) , one might have thought that he himself had entirely forgotten about the siege .
29 This intensive investigation of simple , solid forms culminates in the paintings of the late summer and autumn of 1908 , although by this time Picasso 's work was becoming less specifically Negroid .
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