Example sentences of "few years in the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ D'ye know what it is , ’ he growled , ‘ a few years in the army would do some of those boyos a power of good .
2 Similar criteria have often applied to the education officer who , after a few years in the classroom .
3 At the same time levels of public expenditure on the railways have been declining steadily over the past few years in the run-up to an expected privatisation and are now well below those of Britain 's Continental neighbours .
4 This brought the number of District Geologists in Edinburgh up to 3 , a repetition of the situation which had existed for a few years in the 1920s .
5 Maybe that 's one reason why this show has been a few years in the making .
6 In my first few years in the London activist network I was several times courted ( it seems the only appropriate word ) to join currently all-male organizations as a token lesbian but none of them offered , alongside the assumption that this would be a privileged or welcome position , the incentive that Switchboard did : the callers .
7 Prince Charles argued that they should be brought up initially by Mabel Anderson , his childhood nanny , and then a governess employed to educate the boys for the first few years in the privacy of Kensington Palace .
8 For one thing , the war was only a matter of a few years in the past and the number of potential suitors must have been severely limited , especially of the right intellect and calibre .
9 For a few years in the mid-1980s this pattern was reversed , and the number of people leaving the United Kingdom fell below the number entering .
10 At a future review conference — such conferences will occur every few years in the Community — it might be desirable to go even further and press for a clause in the Community body of law that makes it crystal clear that all powers that are not specifically allocated to the Community should remain as of right with the member states , as is the case in the American constitution .
11 Neural networks , or connectionist models , have been increasingly influential in the last few years in the description and investigation of language processing .
12 The Board 's General Manager Tom Frawley said today that the decision to close the Shantallow home had been a difficult one , but claimed it was the only possible course of action ‘ in light of the increase over the last few years in the level of nursing home accommodation and the reduced demand for residential accommodation which has come about as a result of improvements in housing in general and the development of sheltered accommodation and other community alternatives . ’
13 Hugh began as a chargehand in the Teasing Department , where he returned to become foreman after a few years in the Dyed Wool Blending Department .
14 In addition , specialist teams have been engaged over the last few years in the systematic examination of the wide range of packaging materials used within the Group .
15 For a few years in the Sixties , scooter clubs replaced cycling but the phase passed and the emphasis was switched again to entertainment and raising money for charity .
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