Example sentences of "few [noun pl] [noun] [be] " in BNC.

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1 In a few cases data were not available for some of the more minor roads entering a junction .
2 In a few cases people are the target , usually the result of the horses not having being handled properly ; but mostly the aggression in horses is directed towards other horses .
3 In all but a few cases interviews were taped .
4 And then in a few minutes Dennis is going to join with me in explaining to you how we are going to make the quality planning procedure work for you .
5 Within a few minutes Elisa was on the settee in the sitting room where , at last , she regained consciousness .
6 ‘ And here I was , thinking that a few hours leave was on the cards . ’
7 But within a few hours Mal was suffering exhaustion and Bill had injured himself falling on diamond-hard green ice on the Lhotse Face .
8 Within a few hours Denwood was stripped of everything , there was not a soul or a vestige of its recent occupation to be seen in the place .
9 For a few months Hervey was one of those in day-to-day control of the royal administration .
10 Within a month of nationalisation , the Authority 's commercial manager had identified the more serious black spots in which tariffs for additional domestic kWh were below ¾d. — which he reckoned to be the level required to cover costs — and in the next few months prices were generally raised to this level as a ‘ first aid ’ measure , pending the development of a proper pricing policy .
11 Over the next few months Ivy is at the heart of a gruelling Street storyline .
12 The Churchill Government inherited a highly efficient system of Cabinet and official committees , but with in a few months officials were complaining that the neat system consolidated by Clement Attlee was in disarray .
13 During the next few decades chlorine is expected to increase then decrease , while CO 2 is expected to increase continuously .
14 A few rams heads are visible decorating the tops of some of the countless columns in the building , but they seem more pastoral than sinister .
15 A quick spin of his ‘ Sweet Freedom — The Best Of ’ compilation album of a few years back is proof enough that he has had many hits in his home patch without making similar in-roads here .
16 Calcium ions turn on the zygote at fertilisation , and a few years back were named the ‘ final common pathway ’ in cell death .
17 One of the wonder boys we sold a few years back was Ian Snodin , to Everton .
18 It is most unlikely that a mother or father looking at a new-born child will be saying : — ‘ We have here a potential villain , who could , in a few years time be getting a living by robbery , violence or some other criminal activity .
19 During the next few years children are likely to be engaging in more sustained projects as part of their learning of mathematics .
20 Within a few days Caledonia was in complete agreement : the entire team should take up golf .
21 During the next few days Stevie was to find himself something of a cult figure .
22 For the next few days Ajdabiya was extremely unsettled , and men showed all the conventional signs of being in crisis , and on the verge of further violent action .
23 Think the closing dates a few days time is n't it ?
24 Contact with the man Wagner now kindled an interest in Wagner the theorist and within a few weeks Nietzsche was writing again to Rohde to impress on his friend his high opinion of Wagner 's Opera and Drama , a treatise written nearly twenty years before , but apparently now providing Nietzsche 's first direct acquaintance with any of Wagner 's theoretical works .
25 Within a few weeks Richard was loading Marshal with honours , lands and responsibility and an incident such as this , combining skill at arms with sound political common sense , could well have impressed him .
26 Staring is one of the few things frogs are good at .
27 A few yards west is the dry entrance to the caves , which novices like myself can safely probe until confronted by difficulties ; daylight is admitted from manholes in the surface clints .
28 In practice few UPS bands are quite so starkly simple ; we usually see the vestiges of a progression .
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