Example sentences of "during [art] [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Belfast Harbour Commissioners are confident that during the 1990's the Port will respond to the challenges presented by changing trading patterns within an economically unified Europe with the ability to satisfy its customers ' needs and demands for an efficient , cost effective service .
2 The Belfast Harbour Commissioners are confident that during the 1990's the Port of Belfast will remain Ireland 's premier port , largely due to its ability to respond to the challenges presented by changing trading patterns within an economically unified Europe and by its ability to satisfy its customers ' need and demands for an efficient , cost effective service .
3 Many were also given lockable doors to preserve privacy , and curtains to prevent draughts ; indeed , some became so elaborate that during the 1630s the Bishop of Norwich , Richard Corbett , was led to remark wryly that they lacked ‘ nothing but beds to hear the word of God on ’ .
4 During the 1920s a terminal building was built , with capacity to deal with 10,000 passengers an hour .
5 During the 1920s the milking potential was encouraged , to the detriment of the beef , but in the 1950s the efforts of the breed society ( formed in 1891 ) concentrated on beef conformation and the dual-purpose image was discarded when the South Devon was classified as a beef breed in 1972 .
6 During the 1920s the LNU steered a careful non-partisan path , involving leading members of all three political parties — though Liberals outnumbered the others : the League had become the favourite cause of Liberalism in decline .
7 During the 1920s the Japan Communist Party attempted to organize opposition in a movement which asserted the primacy of individual democratic rights .
8 During the 1920s the loss of population from rural parts of England and Wales was relatively gradual , only exceeding 5 per cent in upland Wales , northern England , and parts of Wiltshire and Suffolk .
9 During the 1920s the party line was far from monolithic .
10 During the 1920s the discovery of hormones led to a new variant in the theory of sexual difference based on emotional instability .
11 During the mid-sixties the strongest pressures on the profession 's practice were in the area of conveyancing .
12 During the 1620s the opinion had been expressed in Catholic circles that the Copernican system ought not to be condemned .
13 As with the TRAINER device IIDA provides training for the user and includes a practice mode , but during the latter the student using IIDA is connected to the DIALOG information system .
14 During the sixties the rate of inflation experienced in the UK , although higher than that of most international competitors , never rose above 10 per cent .
15 In education there was during the 1960s a gradual shift towards comprehensive secondary schooling partly prompted by a ( false ) belief that such schooling would help eradicate the worst ine-qualities ( class , not gender ) of the tripartite system , as shown by researchers in the sociology of education ( see Finn , Grant and Johnson , 1978 ) .
16 During the 1960s the focus of marketing attention changed from the product to the customer .
17 During the 1960s the cores lost about 2.5 million people from net out-migration .
18 They argue that during the 1960s the USA had a growing and increasingly confident professional-managerial class which came into conflict with the ruling class .
19 During the 1960s the barley acreage doubled and an increase was recorded in every county in England .
20 During the 1960s the scheme was widened to include more categories of workers and the financial assistance it provided was also considerably raised .
21 New universities were established and existing ones were expanded ; between 1969 and 1973 thirty polytechnics came into being ; and during the 1970s a third tier , colleges and institutes of higher education , was added .
22 For all these reasons some economists have for years advocated this approach to monetary policy and during the 1970s a number of governments began at least to pay lip service to it by announcing target rates of growth for the money supply over the coming year .
23 During the 1970s a forum of scholar-critics gradually became established in England .
24 During the 1970s the AEI expanded , and new organisations such as the Heritage Foundation and the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research were founded .
25 During the 1970s the Community was preoccupied with enlargement of the Community , institutional crises such as the Luxembourg accords , following the refusal of France to accept qualified majority ruling in the Council of Minsters , frequent budgetary difficulties and differences of view as to how the Community should be financed which resulted in very little progress towards the achievement of a single market .
26 For example , during the 1970s the Department of Health and Social Security and the Social Science Research Council funded a number of studies concerned with the nature , causes and outcomes of deprivation and disadvantage in families .
27 During the 1970s the boom in luxury cars and high-tech engineering transformed the state into one of Europe 's most modern economies .
28 During the 1970S the ramifications of some communications policies were perceived dimly , if at all .
29 During the 1970s the provision of rural housing for those who can not partake in the market sector has been pitiful .
30 The relevant pressure groups maintain their vigilance , but during the 1970s the changes in the rural landscape , especially in the lowlands , have become much more visible and have certainly received much more publicity .
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