Example sentences of "to have been [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She seemed to have been a reasonable kind of mother to Jenny ; at least she had n't stimulated any of the strong resentments which seemed to lie uneasily dormant in most daughters , especially those very fond of their fathers .
2 ‘ Atropine is confirmed , and far too much to have been a slight slip of the deadly nightshade .
3 He can honestly claim to have been a righteous servant of God ; in verse 16 he writes of his service being like that of a priest , who bridges the gap between God and man , and who presents a sacrifice to God as part of the priest 's duties and privileges .
4 Who killed Dale in what appears to have been a motiveless crime ?
5 Indeed , your latest victim seems to have been a veritable bundle of surprises — not a maidservant but a duchess , not dead but alive — and , to top all , affianced to an eleven-year-old and not a virgin ! ’
6 Rolle died at the height of the plague , but his reputation as a loved spiritual counsellor survived him — probably furthered by his disciple William Stopes who seems to have been a young religious and acted as Rolle 's literary executor after his death .
7 Edward Ellice , an MP for Coventry , said that he had been asked to accompany his friend Lord Elcho , and although he seems to have been a political ally of Elcho 's his view of Scott 's design was very different .
8 Yeah , whe whe whether or not we consider him to have been a black sheep , then we certainly have erm , rather gone into his character .
9 Marie is said to have been a frequent visitor to her mother 's court at Poitiers and to have brought with her the greatest poet in France , Chrétien de Troyes .
10 As yet this seems not to have been a frequent occurrence and the request was successfully rebuffed by some abbots of religious houses which did not own the king as patron , but a door had been opened which subsequent monarchs were to push far wider .
11 And of all the single ticks that have come in , there 's bound to have been a decent one among them .
12 For all these reasons multi-employer bargaining came to predominate in non-manufacturing industries and , more exceptionally , elsewhere in the concentrated industries of basic steel and the railways where government intervention seems to have been a decisive factor in shaping the bargaining process ( Livernash , 1963 ) .
13 Otherwise it will be presumed to have been a negligent one — Misrepresentation Act 1967 , section 2(1) .
14 Medical Officer for Brighton and later to the Local Government Board , where he championed statistical inquiries into infant mortality , Newsholme felt the evangelical revival of the late nineteenth century to have been a potent factor in the social hygiene movement .
15 Predictably , the survey showed 1992 to have been a flat year for the UK 's information technology businesses .
16 The presence of a very occasional lesser white-fronted goose from Scandinavia on the reclaimed land of the Severn is well-known to have been a crucial factor in Sir Peter Scott 's choice of site for the new wildfowl refuge and research station he had dreamed of creating during the War .
17 He had come from out of town with a fortune , was known to have been a vociferous Bund supporter before the war and had set up a chain of more or less above-board casinos in the districts where gambling was more or less legal .
18 Sharpening the focus on penicillin appears to have been a gradual process .
19 The only thing that stuck out in a day that seemed to have been a hundred hours of confusion was that nun .
20 Goldie , the Blue Peter dog , was pet of the year in 1981 and was deemed to have been a substitute pet for many youngsters unable to keep pets of their own at home .
21 Hindsight may show this to have been a pivotal meeting .
22 The , the importance of this , is that Freud is often said to have been a Hobbesian thinker , in the sense that , er without necessarily being directly influenced by Hobbes , he took a similar , a similar kind of view , or at least , so it is said .
23 Akrotiri was built in about 1550 BC ( Late Minoan IA ) and is likely to have been a Minoan foundation .
24 The care which bereaved Minoans sometimes lavished on their dead suggests a belief in the AFTERLIFE , and the idea of an Elysium , a pleasant Heaven awaiting people at the end of their earthly lives , is thought to have been a Minoan creation .
25 Constanza would have liked Simon to have been a conscientious objector .
26 It was to have been a nice little earner .
27 I can not claim to have been a close friend , but I had occasional encounters with him and , as with most people , it would be more accurate to describe them as occasional brushes .
28 Our daughter wanted me ( Dave ) to preach at the funeral because she said , ‘ I do n't want my brother 's death to have been a total loss .
29 Appointed a Privy Counsellor two years ago , his promotion seems to have been a long time coming , prompting some commentators to dub him ‘ The Nearly Man ’ .
30 My mother-in-law 's death , seemed to have been a long , lingering and painful end , bravely borne .
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