Example sentences of "to have at [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 New LIFESPAN sites are advised to have at least two , possibly three LIFESPAN Processes .
2 The most imperative need of all when it comes to Lord 's where leg spinners often make their presence felt , is for England to have at least two left handers and to see how Warne gets on against them .
3 Got to have at least two degrees , if not three kind of thing .
4 Military stores , every musketeer had to have at least two metres of match which was a fairly thick cord , which was used to ignite his musket , and if you start thinking about how many musketeers there were around in Oxford , a whole lot of match had to be stored .
5 Jupiter is now known to have at least sixteen satellites , though the remainder are much smaller than the Galileans .
6 At many clubs it is compulsory for everyone to have at least one dual flight at the beginning of the season before flying solo again .
7 At each meal try to have at least one form of good carbohydrate such as we have mentioned above .
8 They tend to have at least one , and often two to four megabytes of memory and can display 256 colours at once .
9 The Government needs to have at least one member in a key senior position who understands the problems of women , and especially working women .
10 ( 2 ) To have at least one mobile force thoroughly familiar with these districts and available for immediate reaction to terrorist moves .
11 Insufficient capital was raised for the project , which proved abortive ; yet TANU leaders remained determined to have at least one daily paper , and preferably two : one in English and one in Swahili .
12 Every house seemed to have at least one , sometimes several , of the distinctive mud-baked nests under its eaves .
13 It 's useful to have at least one dispel magic scroll so that you can protect it .
14 All schools using the project are strongly encouraged to have at least one staff member attend a day long training course to provide background information and to familiarise teachers with the technique of pupil led discussion groups , which are an important feature of the project .
15 The London Road End always seems to have at least one organizer , and usually two .
16 In any event , you will need to have at least one independent judge who is unconnected with either the company or the publication .
17 Each set of chambers is required to have at least one clerk , who performs the functions of office administrator and accountant , business manager and agent .
18 No matter what fish you keep or how many aquariums , it is always wise to have at least one tank set up that can be put into use in an emergency .
19 Since large establishments are more likely to have at least one temporary worker than small establishments ( i.e. to be " users " ) , we broke down our results according to establishment size where we thought this to be relevant .
20 Everybody seems to have at least one baby , suddenly .
21 Mummy calls them his worshippers — he has to have at least one of them around . ’
22 We felt , however , that the accuracy of the new system , the flexibility of use that the extended range afforded and the improved refit and maintenance arrangements all meant that it would be easier to have at least one boat available at all times , although we were to have only three .
23 Many governing bodies appear to have at least one member who has some skill in financial planning and most governors are prepared to be sympathetic towards financial proposals from heads who show that they are competent .
24 ( c ) where a recognised body ceases to have at least one shareholder who is able to exercise voting rights in respect of at least one share .
25 I have been unemployed for seven months now and all the people I meet in the Job Club seem to have at least one bad experience of these so-called training schemes .
26 Last night , the League was expected to have at least 26 seats in the 315-seat Senate and at least 60 in the 430-seat Chamber of Deputies .
27 Everyone hoped to have at least four " ways out " , along which he could travel in a crisis .
28 I only mean to preface this discussion of cultural difference with an awkward question : in the world we have , is it possible for us — any of us — not to have at least some inferior others ?
29 He knew enough psychology to have at least some insight into what those early shaming and terrifying experiences had done to her .
30 In a development that is expected to have at least some impact on the current jockeying for positions between the Unix factions , a 200-person UK software engineering firm , Praxis Systems plc , Bath , has now completed an evaluation ANDF installer for the Sun Microsystems Inc Sparc , which it says , ‘ exceeded the original performance targets . ’
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