Example sentences of "to have [verb] [det] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Scott , Hogg , Lockhart and other literary stalwarts are reputed to have frequented this old hunting inn , part of which dates back to the 18th century .
2 By then Wyllie , the sole selector , hopes to have given all 30 players a game .
3 The university 's principal , Sir David Smith , said neither ministers nor Scottish Office officials appear to have given any real thought to some of the practical implications .
4 Ben and Mark Pretty , seems to have given those colonial chappies a good seeing to on their recent sojourn in Colorado , with numerous on-sight flashes of high grade routes .
5 She flicked a look over her shoulder , glad to have provoked this bad feeling between them .
6 Many people heard that but only Cecilia seemed to have heard that first single clang as Ernest , her brother , in freeing the rope from the cleat , gave it a tug which caused the bell to spring upwards and fall again .
7 Lydia thought herself very slow not to have realised all this before , but then she reflected that the rapidity with which they had learned the circumstances of this secluded family was in itself strange .
8 And er and they the the afternoon shift used to come on and I used to have to carry all these checks across then , the yard and take 'em and hang 'em up in the in the check-weigh on the pit top where they weighed the wagons of coals .
9 Rod Turnbull , Joint Managing Director comments : ‘ We are delighted to have received this prestigious retail award .
10 The only thing that makes me doubt that is that the general proposition underlying it appears to have received some incoherent support from the Leader of the Opposition .
11 Rod Turnbull , Joint Managing Director , comments ‘ We are delighted to have received these three awards . ’
12 Only two dimensions of cost seem to have received any systematic consideration early on — body bag numbers , and money .
13 Successful farming in DRAs demands very high levels of skill but an even smaller proportion of farmers in such areas appear to have received any formal training ; opportunities to receive it are considerably less than in the more favoured farming areas .
14 Some captured males with orchid pollinia are believed to have flown some 45–50 km in seeking the orchids .
15 The Author has taken this one crash and delved deeply back in time to reveal the stories of 25 pilots that are known to have flown this particular Spitfire .
16 ANC leaders including its president Nelson Mandela had previously made similar allegations against the government , refusing to continue with constitutional negotiations until it acted to halt the violence [ see p. 38178 ] , which was reported to have claimed some 2,000 lives over 10 months to the end of June .
17 Violence between Muslims and Hindus in India is reported to have claimed some 300 lives in the past few months .
18 Lit also claims to have won another four per cent stake in the station from private company , Spectrum Radio Investments .
19 Any elderly crone , who happened to be ugly or misshapen enough to have repelled all potential husbands , and who was therefore forced to live a solitary life with no children of her own , often as an outcast on the edge of the village , was desperately in need of companionship .
20 We must have been fules , you see , to have took all that trouble to level our things up ! ’
21 Thus a secret US State Department memorandum could refer explicitly to " a special relationship " ( Acheson was reputed to have forbidden any such admission of this kind on paper ) which should exist with Britain for the pursuit of common objectives .
22 Similar optimism seems to have surrounded each new polymer to appear on the scene .
23 They are trying to suggest that erm , somehow this year we 're cutting the police budget , he seems to have forgotten that last year when he was chairman of the police authority , a three hundred thousand pound cut , a genuine cut was made in the police authority budget , budgets were cut to make up to make up to that three hundred thousand , at the discretion of the Chief Constable , and to the credit of Mrs , and her other colleagues in the police committee , virtually no attempt was made to make political capital at that time , instead of which now , when all we 've seen is a request for the Chief Constable to defer proposed new spending , all of a sudden this is presented as a cut .
24 Amazing how I seem to have forgotten all this .
25 The heat was fierce that June — 102 degrees in the shade at one time — but Mrs Browning went out in it and seemed to have forgotten such scorching sun had once enervated her to the point of collapse .
26 It would have taken a match of some note to have lifted this last weekend of the Championship out of the also-ran trough .
27 Jose Miguel had been his usual model of self-effacing but steely efficiency and he seemed to have conjured another two birdies from the course without anyone noticing , although he too had dropped one shot .
28 This does not seem to have succeeded any more than had an earlier regulation that only waste from timber cut with axe or adze was " lawful " , not sawn timber .
29 In her company he seemed to have shed some English drilling and become more American . "
30 Classic Maya civilization appears to have collapsed some 600 years before the Spanish conquest of Central America , but even if it had survived it seems inevitable that the Maya obsession with time would have remained a historical curiosity with no influence on the modern world .
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