Example sentences of "to have [verb] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 They heard the tramp of boots but saw no one , although the enemy appears to have marched boldly but sometimes indiscreetly into the area .
2 But to have to sit here and pretend interest in an endless parade of painted mannequins wearing bored looks and the ridiculous fashions he 'd already glimpsed in the huge sketches plastered on the wall as decorations — Nicolo shifted again .
3 To have to sit there and take his abuse was like being bound hand and foot to a torturer 's chair .
4 Helen 's personality does not seem to have altered significantly since her move into the community , although she has become more tolerant .
5 Dick Turpin is claimed to have stopped here and according to Nevinson , Queen Elizabeth dined at the Whitefriars in 1565 , after which it fell to the ground .
6 The team at SAUS is collaborating with a team at the University of Bath in a study of Swindon , an expanding town on the M4 which is thought to have received more than its share of the benefits of economic change .
7 But at an individual le level as well if you want , but no not kind of just it 's not a commitment to have to go away and do something next week .
8 Since Jan. 17 the allies were estimated to have flown more than 110,000 sorties and to have lost 36 aircraft in combat ( USA 27 ( plus one helicopter ) , UK six , Kuwait one , Italy one , Saudi Arabia one ) .
9 Furthermore , although he was believed to have committed more than one murder , he enjoyed a surprisingly mild and genial reputation .
10 Fighting around Kupres , in which Yugoslavian federal fighter jets have been used to attack Croat positions , is thought to have claimed more than 100 lives , although there has been no independent confirmation .
11 Apart from guiding the Steelers to four Super Bowl titles , he became one of the elite group of coaches to have won more than 200 games in the NFL 's 73-year history .
12 The grid street plan is believed to have originated earlier and further east , possibly in Mesopotamia , but the concept is familiarly associated with the name of Hippodamos , a Greek philosopher and town planner who lived in the early fifth century B.C. This is due to Aristotle who ascribed its invention to Hippodamos who was born in Miletos .
13 The promised War Risk Compensation Scheme did not appear until 19 February 1915 and their Lordships seemed to have forgotten altogether that under the Merchant Shipping Act the moment a ship became a total wreck , from whatever cause , the wages of its crew ceased to be paid , leaving both sailors and their dependents in " an unenviable position " .
14 Each of the bombs is believed to have contained less than 1lb of explosive but caused panic and paralysed Central London .
15 This is then forgotten or repressed when it seems to have vanished altogether and there 's a third period , what Freud calls the return of the repressed when the initial trauma comes back in the form of symptoms and er ideally in the form of an analysis that finally brings it to the surface of consciousness and dissolves it , and this is a typical pattern .
16 The Crankos seem to have included more than their share of wanderers .
17 In 1600 , a benevolence was asked , to which the lawyers seem to have responded favourably but the gentry with some reluctance .
18 A selection is being made of these authorities which are revealed to have diverged upwards or downwards by a statistically significant amount from the others in their class and a detailed investigation made in the authorities concerned to discover the causes .
19 ‘ The recession has had a severe impact upon the advertising market but by sheer hard work , backed by increasing readership we have been able to increase revenues over our last financial year — we would like to have done better but we are pleased to have held our own in a difficult market . ’
20 Rober Mazur can reasonably claim to have done more than anyone else to bring down the Bank of Credit and Commerce International .
21 On being told by the manager to check with the bank , he pretended to have done so and assured the manager that the cheque was ‘ as good as cash , ’ whereupon the manager authorised the transaction .
22 I desire you will come over & thin y cherry trees w. you promised mee to have done long before this .
23 By an Act of 1808 ( 48 Geo III cap 123 ) , anyone who had been a year in prison for a debt of less than £20 was thought to have suffered enough and must be allowed to go home .
24 It would seem reasonable that , as a consequence of the game , as many as ten Scots ought to have featured prominently when the British Lions selectors held a preliminary meeting in Edinburgh yesterday .
25 Particular attention centres on four pubs the Owton Lodge , the Traveller 's Rest , the Hour Glass and the Smiths Arms at Greatham which Mr McEvoy is known to have visited just before he was gunned down outside his home in Greta Avenue last Saturday .
26 The common European toad , when it meets a snake , inflates its body and stands on tip-toe , a procedure that makes it appear to have grown suddenly and that seems to baffle most of the snakes that encounter it .
27 He 'd never had any particular fear of darkness , but over the past few weeks he seemed to have grown more and more nervous at night .
28 I can not understand why he referred to poor growth performance in the 1980s unless he thinks that it is poor to have grown faster than France and Germany .
29 I am a bit embarrassed not to have written sooner but , inter alia , have been a little ‘ below par ’ this last week with a stinking cold and sore throat .
30 Naturally , once the first paragraph of his letter met my eyes , I sat down with reassurance to say how sorry I was not to have written earlier and to have delayed giving him an account of the Italian visit .
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