Example sentences of "to have [been] use [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although the wood is presumed to have been used for firesetting. the association between mining activity and the sample is rarely certain .
2 These objects are actually made of brass , but are believed to have been used for the weighing of gold dust ( fig. 9.4 ) .
3 The stone has now vanished and is believed to have been used for paving the walks of St. James Church in Brackley .
4 It is too small to have been used for storage or drying , but would have been suitable for the mistress of the house to sit at her small wheel to spin .
5 It is reported to have been used for surveillance of the United Unionist Action Council strike headquarters in May 1977 together with an infinity bug in a newlyinstalled telephone in a committee room .
6 At intervals round each temple there were adyta , sunken and secluded rectangular areas which are thought to have been used for important ceremonies ( Marinatos 1984 ) .
7 Later research showed that they were in fact storehouses and workshops , attached to hut-dwelling communities during the first and second centuries AD : quernstones were found in such a cellar at Barns of Airlie , and a chamber in a Carlungie souterrain seems to have been used for both stone and metal working .
8 New Zealand was amply supplied with basalt , greywacke and argillite , each of which is known to have been used for the adze blades used to shape the timbers required for canoes , houses and defensive works .
9 Nevertheless , perhaps because of the procedural problems outlined above , Article 100A(4) appears to have been used for the first time only in 1992 , in relation to German legislation banning the use of PCP ( pentachlorophenol ) despite the fears expressed at the time the Single European Act was signed that it would destroy the Court 's achievements in this sphere .
10 Finally , that was in a general way an instrument of state policy , in this case one felt to have been used for ill , is indicated by one of the several criticisms made of Bayezid I 's Grand Vezir Candarli Ali Pasa in the early histories .
11 One interesting relic of Seagoe 's distant past is the Cloch Bann , an ancient bronze handbell thought to have been used at funerals .
12 Both methods seem to have been used at Ife , depending on the metal to be cast .
13 The loch also seems to have been used as a dumping place for unwanted kitchen utensils .
14 Police recovered a black Opel car , believed to have been used as a getaway car in the attack .
15 It 's incorrectly built and it also appears to have been used as an excuse for fly tipping , and industrial fly tipping at that .
16 Besides the First Century cave , the archaeologists have discovered a group of other man-made caverns believed to have been used by the Second Century anti-Roman Jewish rebel , Bar-Kokhba .
17 Like nearby Grassington ( q.v. ) , the village was involved in exploitation of mineral deposits beneath the moors to the north , and there are ruins of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century smelt mills as well as the so-called ‘ Panty Oon Stone ’ — a hollowed-out stone thought to have been used by medieval lead miners for dressing the ore .
18 The relevant internal Cabinet Office organization files in the CAB 21 series at the Public Record Office do not seem to have been used by previous commentators on British Cabinet government .
19 A SWORD said to have been used by poet Lord Byron in the 1823 Greek independence war is likely to fetch £4,000 at a London auction .
20 A bronze snake around five feet long , found at Thebes in 1911 and now in the British Museum , is thought to have been used by a magician .
21 There lies a group of stones deposited by the glacier , the largest of which , the Carlow Stone , is said to have been used by the druids for human sacrifice .
22 Apparatus known to have been used by a particular scientist , and collections of apparatus by the same maker , are particularly instructive .
23 Even the term ‘ cantata ’ appears not to have been used by a German composer before 1638 .
24 An expensive colour photocopier is believed to have been used by the forgers to copy what is thought to have been a genuine blank MOT form .
25 They were thought to have been used in the death of Inspector Drewitt , firstly to shoot him and then to batter him .
26 The system is known to have been used in England in the first part of the eighth century , and continued to be employed by Anglo-Saxon kings until the tenth , when it fell into almost total disuse .
27 A mechanical digger is said to have been used in the incident at the Abbey National office in High Street , Maldon , at 4 am .
28 It has little relevance in other countries , though a few ( e.g. Denmark and Norway ) have recorded a formal objection , and it appears to have been used in one case for communication from a U.S. attorney to a French huissier .
29 The senses of polysemous words ( such as ’ charge ’ or ’ rate ’ ) are therefore most likely to have been used in the sense related to financial affairs .
30 He 'd been cleaning out the fireplace and clearing the flue , neither of which appeared to have been used in years .
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