Example sentences of "to have [noun pl] in the " in BNC.

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1 New political parties would be allowed , but only the ruling Arab Baath Socialist Party would be permitted to have branches in the armed forces and the police force .
2 They 've even been known to have words in the piazza . ’
3 Ah You 've got to have eyes in the back of your head here I 'm telling ya .
4 He told a Coombe Lodge conference that he hoped for a curtailment of the role of the CNAA , and that the polytechnics would be bound to have Charters in the long run .
5 ( 4.4 ) , of 100 Hz can be expected to have dips in the torque/speed characteristics at 100 , 50 , 33 , 25 , 20 , … steps per second .
6 Subjects with cholesterol gall stones were reported to have alterations in the molecular species of phosphatidylcholine in bile , although the results of various studies are conflicting .
7 Conder 's management has also asked to have spaces in the remaining car park reserved for its staff .
8 The May Day Bank Holiday weekend , always a quieter affair , saw the 0-6-0 in service again , with the opportunity to have rides in the Centre 's two LMS brakevans , reviving a regular feature from earlier days at the Centre , when the two ‘ Queen Marys ’ performed as passenger carriers on many steam days .
9 Still , he created two characters in The Lord of the Rings of particular suggestiveness , both of them originally on the right side but seduced or corroded by evil , and so especially likely to have analogues in the real world : these are Denethor and Saruman , each of them seen faintly satirically , almost politically .
10 Joan was told that the baby would be unlikely to survive , but she was advised to give birth naturally , to avoid gynaecological problems that might affect her capacity to have children in the future .
11 you 're not supposed to have drinks in the cad area .
12 This ‘ tidy ’ wound is not very likely to have complications in the healing period .
13 Well the trend though over all is absolutely clear , that the Labour Party is committed to increasing women 's representation and is absolutely on that path , we 've more Labour women MP s and increasing numbers of women in the shadow cabinet it 's only in the end of the nineteen eighties , as recently as then , that we had no women in the shadow cabinet , now everybody agrees that it would look quite wrong not to have women in the shadow cabinet , we 've got a woman deputy leader , three women in the shadow cabinet , and therefore we 're definitely moving forward .
14 Where is the Wagon Train that seemed permanently to be circling its wagons waiting for a drunken pioneer 's wife to have twins in the last of them ?
15 Ovaries from aborted human fetuses have been shown to have cells in the pachytene stage during weeks 16–23 of gestation ( 25 ) .
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