Example sentences of "within [art] few [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively or additionally subjects may genuinely feel that there is greater subjective difference within the few films they have given high ratings to than within the many they have given lower ratings to and have been at least partially successful in avoiding what Poulton ( 1989 ) terms equal frequency biases .
2 It appeared to have a road running to within a few kilometres .
3 This ambiguity does not greatly alter our conclusions regarding airburst altitude : once an object has spread to , say , twice its initial radius , its further spreading happens so quickly that an ‘ explosion altitude ’ is defined to within a few kilometres , regardless of whether the explosion is taken to occur then or when the object has spread to 5–10 times its initial radius .
4 John Mather , chief geochemist at the British Geological Survey , warns that a third of our tapwater could exceed nitrate levels within a few decades .
5 Only one fertile Genestealer needed to remain alive in hiding to undo all the good work within a few decades .
6 Otherwise , within a few decades Genestealers would have begun to infiltrate your own family , polluting and hypnotizing . ’
7 He is also afraid that the paint may have a tendency to absorb oxygen which means that it will eventually become brittle : ‘ I suspect that the paint will start showing cracks within a few decades ’ .
8 Within a few decades , forests and animals had returned to the shattered islands which were all that remained of Krakatoa 's outer rim ; and from the waters between them emerged an ominous smoking mound , sometimes growing at a rate of more than three feet a month .
9 700 the area of circulation of the sceatta or penny , introduced probably in Kent in the 670s , was widening to embrace the Thames valley and Hamwic , near Southampton , was emerging as an important trading settlement to become within a few decades ‘ possibly the largest and most densely populated town in eighth-century England ’ .
10 The removal of many thousands of large whales , especially the krill-feeding rorquals , from the Southern Ocean within a few decades is thought by some ecologists to have favoured the many other species , including fish , birds and seals , that feed on krill .
11 They warn that the number of lakes affected may double within a few decades unless air pollution in Europe is halved .
12 China 's emissions of carbon dioxide , principally from its burgeoning coal industry , are increasing to the point where it is expected to become the largest single contributor of greenhouse gases within a few decades .
13 Within a few moments I had been directed to the Gasthof zur Alte Post and installed myself in a tiny room which was to cost about £12 for the night , including breakfast .
14 Sure enough , within a few moments , up they come .
15 Within a few moments you will start to lose your balance .
16 But within a few moments we were sipping extra-dry martinis from paper cups , then eating cold chicken and tinned ham , with beer chilled by the sea .
17 Within a few moments of Dr McNab 's saline injections Dr Dunstaple had begun to revive .
18 Within a few moments I was on a floater , crossing the fairly well-lit spaceport , still with no one in sight anywhere around me .
19 The men followed them and within a few moments lord Hulton and I were standing there just as before watching the tiny figures on the skyline , listening to the distant " Haow , haow ! "
20 Spike knew that he was within a few moments of termination .
21 Within a few pages we move through a recognition and rejection of the fantasy of the Perfect Mother , an understanding of her mothers ' reality and an account of telling her mother , who Is at this point 80 .
22 On one occasion I lay down for a rest , dozed off for 15 minutes , and awoke to find half a dozen sitting on branches within a few metres of my recumbent form .
23 You may live within a few metres of many if not most of the plant and animal species ever recorded in Britain , and perhaps a few that are new to science .
24 The missiles would blast out of their launchers , navigate automatically across Europe , and land within a few metres of targets such as airfields , ports , power stations , dams and locks .
25 Because three of the 20 ‘ global positioning ’ satellites will always be above the horizon the electronics can triangulate a car 's position within a few metres .
26 The GPS system made its public debut in the recent Gulf War when it enabled allied troops to navigate at night across hundreds of miles of desert to within a few metres .
27 The second man ducked back around the corner and Maxim backed off crouching and aiming until he was within a few metres of the cross-street .
28 By definition , the altruistic majority must promote the reproductive success of the selfish the reproductive success of the selfish organism , the mutant , will be far greater than the altruist , and within a few generations of selfish individuals .
29 That is , they fluctuate about a mean with a wavelength small compared with the dimensions of the sample , and the effects of these fluctuations become insignificant within a few wavelengths of the surface .
30 He knows what he 's galloping , he knows within a few pounds what he wants .
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