Example sentences of "within [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There are significant differences in the degree of inequality between men 's and women 's earnings within the same occupation .
2 A flexibility in tackling problems will , however , be necessary since they are by no means amenable to a single rigid set of solutions even within the same country .
3 This also holds true for items of similar groups within the same country ; a top quality Nain will tend to be more expensive than a second-grade Isfahan ( and vice versa ) , while both can be expected to command a higher price than the average Hamadan or Heriz .
4 Note that appeal lies from the decision of a district judge to the designated family judge or a nominated care judge within the same court .
5 This brings us back to Le Page 's hypothesis : " the individual creates for himself the patterns of his linguistic behaviour so as to resemble those of the group or groups with which from time to time he wishes to be identified " ; only now we can treat " linguistic behaviour " at a micro level , interpreting " from time to time " to mean even at different stages within the same conversation — perhaps even the same utterance .
6 It seems that in Edinburgh the ETS grew from an average of 265 members in the late 1850s to about 650 in the late 18605,6 In Edinburgh , as in the other towns , the membership consisted of compositors and press- or machinemen , side by side , within the same branch .
7 I once heard Dr Starkie lecture , and I 'm glad to report that she had an atrocious French accent ; one of those deliveries full of dame-school confidence and absolutely no ear , swerving between workaday correctness and farcical error , often within the same word .
8 The same holds true about the plasma concentrations which , although they were determined by a new ELISA , were within the same range ( 70–350 ng/mL ) in responsive patients from Cameroon and the Congo as in non-responsive patients from the Congo .
9 A new system was needed which would avoid these contradictions and which so unified existing rights in land as to ‘ enable shifts of value to operate within the same ownership ’ .
10 [ … ] Socialization within the family is manifested in subtle cues of things said and things not said , of facial expressions and gestures which arise in the course of day-to-day living within the same dwelling .
11 The opportunities for using knowledge to shop around successfully for good-value credit involve both choosing between different types of credit ( bank loan versus H P , say ) and choosing between different terms or arrangements even within the same credit type .
12 Thus the extreme subjectivism of , for example , the novels of Virginia Woolf , belongs within the same formation as the economic interventionism of Keynes , who wanted not only to preserve the economic system by rationalizing it but to do this so that , within that achieved stability , the real processes of civilized life could be extended , undisturbed .
13 Musically , he 's a pop polymath , flitting between funkadelia , acid rock , deep soul , schmaltz — often within the same song .
14 Nobody else can do both within the same song .
15 It would be difficult indeed to argue against the T & g being allowed to merge into the G M B. This organization represents peoples who work in the same type of companies , very often within the same workplaces that we work .
16 Violent behaviour , in the most general sense , can only be understood in association with other behaviour within the same society .
17 And above all , as you know better than anybody , the ‘ biology of aesthetic pleasure ’ , which you have just explained , has to take account of differences between epochs , civilisations and , obviously , within the same society , between individuals .
18 Since the nature of the taboos varies between one society and another and even as between one situation and another within the same society , there is no particular action which is universally considered to be sinful in all circumstances : to kill a neighbour is a crime , to kill an enemy may be a duty .
19 However , as Lim and Foo ( 1987 ) argue , it is difficult to generalize on the impact of TNC employment on different groups of women even within the same society .
20 Permanent inhabitants include many kinds of protozoa ( single-celled animals ) and a great many multi-celled animals , many of which undergo a daily vertical migration , from deeper to surface waters , effectively to stay within the same level of illumination as the light varies .
21 Moreover , evidence from recent research by Hammersley and Scarth suggests that patterns of whole-class teacher-pupil talk do not differ significantly between courses that are assessed by terminal examinations , ones that are continuously assessed , and ones that are not assessed at all — even when these differently assessed courses are taught by the same teacher and within the same subject .
22 As it is , the magnitude and direction of laterality effects vary not only between different subjects and different experiments but also within the same subject at different stages within an experiment ( e.g. Hellige " , 1976 ; Shefsky , Stenson and Miller , 1981 ) .
23 Being situated in Farmoor the village is very sought after and residents seem to move within the same village as it is so popular .
24 This turnover , and its evolutionary consequences , occurs only in genes that have several copies within the same individual , so called ‘ families ’ of genes .
25 The purpose of this provision for what were referred to in discussion as ‘ subsidiary authorities ’ was to cater for the needs of composite States such as the United Kingdom , where different systems of law are to be found within the same State .
26 An authority in the state of destination which finds that it lacks jurisdiction to execute the letter of request , for example because the defendant is not resident in its area , must forward ‘ the documents and antecedents of the case to the authority of the State [ i.e. within the same state ] which has jurisdiction ’ .
27 The CEGB was ready to build Hinkley C. There were no other non-fossil sources of power which could provide the same reliable capacity within the same time-scale .
28 Er the Government find it absolutely unacceptable for people to wait on trolleys , once the decision for admission has been made er but My Lords sometimes it is necessary to wait er for observation purposes or sometimes for diagnostic treatments , er which actually have to take place in the A and E department er but My Lords it 's very interesting to see how similar hospitals vary , even within the same vicinity and we believe a great deal of this is due to poor management .
29 The correspondence within the same hemisphere of the mechanisms underlying speech and movements of the hands would gain added significance if there were evidence to connect speech and manual activity more directly .
30 Groups formed as a result of a parent company , such as Matsushita Electric , spinning off its own operating divisions to form separate companies within the same field to act as suppliers , distributors and even retailers .
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