Example sentences of "always [vb base] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Except for the dinner queue , the dinner nannies always push to the front .
2 They always suggest to the present writer the taste of a ripe plum .
3 I always say to the kids , ‘ Just marry who you fall in love with , as long as you 're happy ’ . ’
4 I believe in taking action on fact and not fantasy , but I think it was Lord Zuckerman who was the scientific advisor to the government , who said that government has never taken preventive measures that would prove to be unjustified , and if you always wait to the last moment before being convinced to do anything , that 's often a moment too late .
5 At Fiat , we always look to the future .
6 I like to understand the meanings of words and always refer to a dictionary when I come on a new word .
7 I always talk to the ferrets while the muzzles are put in place and try to ensure that they are never frightened .
8 However , an accountant 's professional work does not always amount to a continuous supply of services .
9 In order to make this facility useful , it is recommended that an organisation-wide policy be adopted ; e.g. ‘ Errors reported always apply to the module which first detects the error , not the reporting module ’ .
10 Not everyone would feel that these were messages for them ; many people always turn to the cartoon page first of all , and some do n't read much more than that ; God gives Jeremiah several cartoons in the course of this passage ; did you notice in verse 25 the dig about wearing your feet out — because the people had already worn their shoes out !
11 Always go to a respectable and accredited practitioner who uses disposable needles .
12 It is achieving your objective that matters , not ‘ We always go to the Knot and Muddle . ’
13 Stephen prefers my cooking , so for dinner parties I always go to the kitchen and help .
14 They always go to the same place .
15 Mr Sullivan said : ‘ The gallery owner , Martin Ainscough , is a good friend of mine and I always go to the private viewings because I am a big modern art collector .
16 So , when I was at , I always go to the fucking front , I do n't care who it is .
17 Make up your own outside licks , making sure you always resolve to the original harmony .
18 The Weltklasse Meeting , established in 1962 , in Zurich 's Leitzegrund Stadium is one of the truly great meetings of the world where the track and field stars always play to a large and enthusiastic audience of about 25,000 people .
19 ‘ I always stick to the limits and am not a boy racer , ’ he said .
20 While chromatic notes more often than not make his harmony directional , they are never used to excess and always relate to the words .
21 First , always delegate to the lowest level possible in the organization .
22 This scientific attitude did not by any means always lead to a denial of the reality of God ; but it did not encourage the anticipation that God would actually intervene in the ordinary course of events ; nor , when faced with a strange or unexpected occurrence , would it immediately turn to God as the only possible explanation .
23 ‘ Good people always float to the top . ’
24 The motel-supermarket-hamburger civilization has now been superimposed on what was left of nineteenth-century towns , and has further worn down the differences between one region and the next , but it is doubtful whether the mass mind or the mass man has yet come to pass , except to the extent that people always conform to a prevailing style while it lasts .
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