Example sentences of "always [vb base] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 They always bring them the same day so there 's not much point in looking anywhere else .
2 Modigliani 's paintings always reveal what the painter thought of his model .
3 When receiving incoming calls for executives or management , always ascertain who the caller is and , if possible , the nature of his or her business , and then check whether the member of staff wishes to accept the call .
4 It is not always clear what the public interest is or what serves it .
5 No , cos sh I always give her the money beforehand .
6 You 're always give him the last sweet to him !
7 So at last — science has discovered the reason why agony aunts always give you the same advice : if your marriage has got stale , brighten yourself up , get fitter , take up a hobby or surprise your husband .
8 No they always give you the
9 Cos they always give you the best deal .
10 Please always tell me the scientific name of your fish if possible , even if it means phoning up your dealer to ask what he has just sold you .
11 I always tell you the truth , you know that . ’
12 I always tell you the truth .
13 We always know what the next step in our lives should be — which area of our lives needs to be resolved or changed — and we need to find the courage and self-love to start moving .
14 A few people never need to wear a watch because they always know what the time is .
15 I always find it the reddest of the brilliant stars , though there is not a great deal of colour-difference between it and Betelgeux ; the name ‘ Antares ’ means ‘ the Rival of Ares ’ ( Mars ) .
16 always ask you the maths rules .
17 The Snotlings always do what the nearest unit of Orcs or Goblins does — cheerfully imitating their neighbours ' actions .
18 Always think what the chosen piece is doing for you — after all , the audition is about you , the naked ape , as well as that inner spark of inspiration you may have .
19 The doctrine is that whenever you are faced with a decision , you always follow what the last person who was faced with the same decision did .
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