Example sentences of "always [vb pp] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The word ‘ theory ’ has always aroused suspicion amongst the English , who see themselves as practical people and sound empiricists .
2 They kept details of programs in their heads , and always explained procedures in highly technical jargon .
3 Wild animals have always formed part of the diet , depending on the existence of any natural habitat in the locality of the settlement .
4 Colonies have always given scope to adventurers from the metropolis who have enjoyed irresponsible power over the natives , whether as administrators , police officials , soldiers , traders , or settlers ( even if these were of the peasant class ) .
5 Well , we 've always given money for Eretz and now we 're giving men and women , including our beloved Rabbi .
6 But in the same way that real poverty has always given birth to real revolution , this feigned poverty of the adventurous would breed a false-bottomed , jerry-built revolution in which the adventurers would continue their make-believe and be followed by the rock-concert lumpen , tired of their own voyeurism . ’
7 But Dad had always given responsibility to Charles , shared his worries and fears with Charles … well , that was fine , as long as she was allowed her fair say as well .
8 ( 4 ) Cinema has always given primacy of place to images .
9 ‘ The people of the Cévennes have always given refuge to the oppressed . ’
10 ‘ We 've always treated Fiona like any other child , proving we were right to believe in her , ’ says Rosemarie .
11 James and his immediate circle had always regarded Scotland as a sideshow and while Mar , Mackintosh and Forster were engaging in their bloodless manoeuvring in the north , he had despatched the Duke of Ormonde [ or Ormond ] to make another attempt in the south-west .
12 No , ’ he went on weightily , ‘ not even in the interests of a firm which has always regarded continuity in its staff as of paramount importance to its operation . ’
13 However this teacher did comment that some of his colleagues in other schools were less happy with the change in emphasis , largely because they had always taught music as the development of a range of performance and theoretical skills , and were frightened by the stress the new syllabuses were putting upon improvisation and composition :
14 Locomotives and the routes themselves have always attracted authors in profusion but in recent years that trend has been punctuated by some useful and illuminating titles on passenger and freight vehicles .
15 I personally have always liked the one-hundred-per-cent aspect of life ; I have always enjoyed life at the extremes .
16 Black people have always known racial violence to be a criminal offence and Black people always reported incidents to the police .
17 As a result , I have always reported concerns to the various Ministers ultimately responsible for the prison and have obtained responses .
18 In the preface of his book of etchings 78 Studies ( 1809 ) he says ‘ He has always considered fidelity of imitation is the first improvement in the fine arts . ’
19 Well , one get all sorts in London , of course , but being country-based , I have always considered rats as Public Enemy Number One .
20 Almost always considered secondary to his poetry , Masefield 's fiction has the same basic theme , man 's search for beauty — in nature , in ideas and , often , in the ideal of womanhood .
21 She had always considered Richard to be a fine and good man , a man not possessed of ambition , or of the ruthlessness required to succeed in business , a man with principles and a certain dignity .
22 She has always considered people to be of prime importance no matter how elevated her position .
23 Then they could have sex on a tiger skin by an open fire ; actresses always owned things like tiger skins .
24 Charlotte always looked sort of
25 It is very striking to note the way Pope John always claimed paternity of the idea of the Council .
26 The precise membership seems never to have been defined , though it has always included members of the county advisory staff , members of the Project Coordinating Team , teachers from project and non-project schools , teachers ' centre wardens , and DCSLs .
27 Primary elections have always person-alized politics to an excessive degree , but television has made the situation much worse .
28 Great Britain coach Malcolm Reilly has always picked men in form which is an encouragement to me to press hard all the time . ’
29 Unlike Heydrich who had always addressed Schellenberg by his Christian name , Himmler was invariably formal .
30 But it is a reminder that the labour movement has always addressed issues of the quality of life as well as of material pragmatics .
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